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Re: Future goals for LDP, my wish list.
On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Knud Haugaard [iso-2022-jp] S�rensen wrote:
> I think that LDP would benefit from a open directory like structure.
> With editors joining and starting a document.(easy joining)
> The document should be base on a templet (easy start)
> depending on what the document is for: tutorial, reference, etc.
> (maybe XML)
this could be the begining of an (XML perhaps) metadata object that would
describe the document and its status etc.
believe it or not, we're working on that very thing to present to you this
week (the hurricane slowed us a bit). we in this case is folks from UNC
plus Kendall and Ismael
> All the editing of a document should be possible online.
> (easy editing)
> (No need for software downloads, If you got a browser)
> The reader should be able to attach comments
> on the document, slashdot style.(easy feedback)
i agree with this in particular. tom boutell's openFAQ incorporates this
concept somewhat, but so do most on-line publications. does require
moderation tho.
> All documents should contain meta data,
> for easy generations of indexes.
this was our idea, but we extended it a bit so that the metadata object
could represent a document not even on the site or say not even in text
(say a video or audio object)
> All documents should have proper chosen meta tag
> keywords for keywords filtering (EX: http://www.aeiwi.com)
> All documents be under one license
> so it can be distributed an used as a whole.
i won't touch this one ;->
our metadata allows for license choice so that you could distribute say
all GLPed docs and no others
> The web site might be created
> with apache + postgresql + php.
got it already. except i think we're using mySQL but we can easily add
> --
> Aeiwi is a search tool with a unique interface.
> Which let users add more search terms,
> until they have a small number of results.
> <http://www.aeiwi.com/>
> --
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Paul Jones
"We must protect our precious bodily fluids!" General Jack D Ripper
http://MetaLab.unc.edu/pjones/ at the Site Formerly Known As SunSITE.unc.edu
pjones@MetaLab.unc.edu voice: (919) 962-7600 fax: (919) 962-8071
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