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Re: Editors for SGML

"Gabriele.V" <gabriele.v@iname.com> writes:

> Hy,
> currently I'm working on ISDN-HOWTO, and I will post my work soon. I'm using
> Lyx to write my documents and after I convet it with sgml2lyx.
> My question is: is anywhere out there a tool that let me convert from rtf to
> sgml, so I can edit my work on a simple Windows PC when I'm abroad, and
> after converting it to SGML ?
> Lyx is good software, but for me lacks some ergonomical solutons that other
> editors have.

Hmmm... I've seen some RTF to TeX and LaTeX converters. I've looked
for a RTF to SGML converter but I've never found one... At least not
one that works with RTF 3 (which is what you get from StarOffice,
Word, etc. --- as a partner said to me). 

If you find one please drop me a message. We have some translators
that uses Windows only (poor people). 
Godoy.	<godoy@conectiva.com.br> 

Departamento de Publica��es
Publishing Department                   Conectiva S.A.

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