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Re: Report on LDP at Montreal

C'est ainsi que Gregory Leblanc (GLeblanc@cu-portland.edu) s'exprimait:

] As for my two bits, I think that our presence at these shows is a great way
] to promote the LDP, and get us more and better publicity.  The more people
] who know about the LDP, and use it, the better our docs will get.

So I have a proposal for you. The next Linux-Expo in Paris will be 
in 2001 from the 31st Jan to the 2nd of Feb. (see http://www.linux-expo.com/).

If some people of the LDP want to join the booth we will have in common
with HP (normaly well located :-) I will propose it in the first meeting
with HP and make it a reality ;-)

Please don't hesitate to contact me for more informations.

Bruno Cornec  Centre de comp�tences Logiciels Libres T�l: 01 69 33 73 14
                      M�dasys Digital Systems        Fax: 01 69 33 73 02
Des infos sur Linux ?  http://www.medasys-digital-systems.fr/linux
La musique ancienne ?  http://www.medieval.org/emfaq

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