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RE: writing HOWTO in DocBook 3.1 SGML
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jorge Godoy [mailto:godoy@conectiva.com]
> Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 5:29 AM
> To: Amir Malik
> Cc: ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org
> Subject: Re: writing HOWTO in DocBook 3.1 SGML
> > <Article>
> >
> > <ArticleInfo>
> > <Title>Enterprise Linux Server HOWTO</Title>
> > <Author><FirstName>by Amir Malik, <amir@infoteen.com>
> > </FirstName></Author>
> > <PubDate>22 June 2000</PubDate>
> > <ReleaseInfo>v0.1-beta, 22 June 2000</ReleaseInfo>
> > <Abstract><Para>Little Intro...</Para></Abstract>
> > </ArticleInfo>
> You should say:
> <author>
> <firstname>Amir</firstname><surname>Malik</surname>
> I'm using the following strutucture to my e-mail address:
> <affiliation>
> <orgname>
> <ulink url="http://www.LinuxDoc.org";>Linux
> Documentation Project</ulink>
> </orgname>
> <address><email>amir@infoteen.com</email></address>
> </affilitation>
We're going to need a BIG tip/note/readme about this someplace. The output
that ld2db produces has the author information as in the original message,
while the markup that Godoy posted is much more correct. Perhaps we need a
section someplace for migrating from LinuxDoc to DocBook, and a pointer to
the template (which I think we should recommend in place of the
example.sgml). Later,
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