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Re: Ldap HOWTO's content proposition


I have not been following this thread to much but this last email
interested me. One of the problems I see with the HOWTOs is that they are
too separated.

For example, IP-Chains, IP-MASQ, VPN-MASQ, 

All of these should be one HOWTO IMHO. One of the first complaints I get
when I talk to someone about Linuxdoc is that they love the site but hate
that they always have to refer to "Another HOWTO" once they get into the

Another example, Networking-Overview and my document the Networking-HOWTO.
These should be together as should the PPP-HOWTO but that would make for a
very large document.

I would say as long as the information is relevant to the HOWTO and the
HOWTO is under... 100 pages? That we don't break it up?

Joshua Drake

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, Luiz Ernesto Pinheiro Malere wrote:

>I agree with Giuseppe : the Ldap Howto should conserv
>it�s basic general structure and add a a general 
>description of SSL/TLS and SASL.
>However, the Howto has a section called Aditional 
>Informations and Features. On this section some
>like Roaming Access, Authentication, Address Book, etc
>can be removed or can just point to the Ldap 
>Integration Howto.
>Also a new topic should be added to the Introduction
>Section of the Howto explaining the context of the
>document and the context of the Ldap Integration
>These measures will help people to find quickly what 
>they�re looking for (related to Ldap) and will not 
>impact the users that are accostumed with the actual 
>Regards, Luiz Mal�re.
>--- Giuseppe Lo Biondo <Giuseppe.LoBiondo@mi.infn.it>
>> On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Roel van Meer wrote:
>> > proposition:
>> > 
>> > Content of the Ldap HOWTO:
>> > 
>> > - General Ldap build, installation and
>> configuration instructions
>> > - Ldap replication.
>> > - ACL's and security
>> > - Performance (indexing)
>> > 
>> > Content of the Ldap Integration HOWTO:
>> > 
>> > - Ldap-nis
>> > - Samba (when it gets ldap support)
>> > - DNS
>> > - Sendmail (both mailhost and fallback)
>> > - (Netscape) Roaming access
>> > - Security issues for the above
>> > - Schemas used.
>> > - SSL
>> > - SASL
>> ... maybe a general description of SSL/TLS and SASL
>> should be in the
>> general LDAP HOWTO too, since it is somehow part of
>> LDAPv3.
>> > - wrappers
>> SSL wrappers.
>> > - Publishing digital certificates with LDAP.
>> > - Radius
>> > - Addressbooks
>> > - Performance issues for the above
>> > - Tips & Tricks, Troubleshooting.
>> Bye,
>> Giuseppe
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