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Summit in NC from Sep 29 to Oct 1

Any LDP member/author/translator/otherwise involved is welcome 
to attend the GNU/Linux Documentation Project summit in Chapel 
Hill, NC

We will physically discuss our current work and involvement, and 
try to find new ideas for the LDP future.

If you intend to attend to this summit, please reply to 
this message and indicate your name and email :

Attendee : 
Email : 

If you think a organization or an individual should also be invited, 
please reply to this message and write  his name. The limit of 1 
attendee by organization can be waived under a legitimate reason.

Inviting :
Organization :

The summit will be held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, from Sep 29 
to Oct 1. The schedule, the speakers list, and the details about 
discussed topics will be posted soon.



We have been discussing of many improvements the last weeks, 
especially regarding the documentation formats, the licenses, etc.
The OReilly summit in August did help a lot, but 1. not everybody 
could/did attend, 2. while it started some ideas projects, they still 
have to be implemented, 3. it was hosted by a commercial 
publisher which may have been a problem for several attendees.


The last week of september is the date most people I have been 
talking with did prefer. Moreover, it is just 2 days after the Linux 
Expo Brasil. People who will have to attend the LEB will still have 
time to come to the summit and without spoiling another week.


Only a handsome of people should attend. The OReilly conference 
did help us a lot since we were just enough to talk about the 
problems and the solutions without starting endless debates.

The policy is :
 - Any LDP member with a limit of 8 attendees.
 - 1 representative per free project (KDP, GDP...)
 - 1 representative per Linux distribution or publisher


We will discuss the 3 following major issues, concerning both the 
LDP/other free documentation projects and commercial publishers :

  - the license policy : what documents will be rejected, what will 
be the LDP standard on accepting free or non free documents
  - the OPL non A non B and GFDL compatibility : these 2 licenses 
are the preferred ones. Would it be possible to add 
"intercompatibility clauses" allowing cross licensing of small parts  
to be relicensed from one license to the other ?
  - the documentation formats : is it time for a major move, for ex 
dropping linuxdoc?
  - the collaboration with linux distributions : how can the distribution
help the free documentation projects ? the documents we make 
can be used by anyone and are an important part of the 'help' 
available freely on the internet.
  - the collaboration with commercial publishers : as more and 
more  books are released by OReilly, OpenDocs, (...) under free 
licenses,  could we set up a gentlemen agreement between the 
publisher who  would agree 1. to use a license from a agreed pool 
of free documentation licenses having intercompatibility clauses 2. 
not to reprint a competitor book released under a free 
documentation  license ?

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