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Wine Seems to Reduce Mortality !


                                                                      Health News Today!



                                    Wine Seems to Reduce Mortality More Than Other Types of Alcohol 

 Wine drinking, as opposed to drinking beer or other spirits, appears to have a beneficial effect on all-cause mortality. This may be explained by the greater effect of wine on mortality from coronary heart disease (CHD) and cancer, according to a report by Danish researchers. 

Dr. Morten Gronbaek, of Kommunehospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, and colleagues pooled data on 13,064 men and 11,459 women, 20 to 98 years of age, who were participants in several population-based studies. In each of these studies, the subjects' intake of wine, beer and other spirits, as well as smoking status, physical activity, body mass index and educational level were assessed at baseline. 

As reported in the September 19th issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine, "During 257,859 person-years of followup, 4833 participants died." Dr. Gronbaek and colleagues found that there was a J-shaped relationship "between total alcohol intake and mortality at various levels of wine intake." 

When light drinkers who avoided wine were compared with nondrinkers, the team found that the relative risk of death from all causes was 0.90. For those who drank wine, the relative risk of death from all causes was 0.66. 

"Heavy drinkers," Dr. Gronbaek and colleagues say, "who avoided wine were at higher risk for death from all causes than were heavy drinkers who included wine in their alcohol intake." In addition, their analysis revealed that "wine drinkers had significantly lower mortality from both CHD and cancer than did non-wine drinkers." 

While other factors, such as diet and lifestyle may affect their findings, Dr. Gronbaek and colleagues believe that "wine may contain one or several substances that add to the beneficial effect of intake of a small amount of ethanol


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