�� ������ ���� �Ѹ���
"Dad, I don't want to go to school today.," said
the boy.
"Why not, son?"
"Well, one of the chickens on the
school farm died last week and
we had chicken soup for lunch
the next day. And three days ago
one of the pigs died and we
had roast pork the next day,,,."
"But why don't you want to go
"Because the English teacher died yesterday!"
"�ƺ�, �� ���� �б� ���� �Ⱦ�." �ϰ� �ҳ��� ���ߴ�.
"�� ����
"���� �ֿ� �б� ���忡�� �� �� ������ ���µ� ������ ��������
�� ������ �Ծ���.
���� 3�� ������ ���� �� ������ ���µ�
�� ���� ������ ���� �Ұ��⸦ �Ծ���...."
"���� ������ �� �б��� ���� �Ⱦ�?"
"���� ���� �������� ���ư��̴� ����!"
�� ������ ���� �Ѹ��� ��
�� I felt on top of the world
����� ������ �����ϸ� ����� ���� ���� �翬������.
����, � ������� �������� ���� ��
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[���� ��! ���� �ְ���]��� �����մϴ�.
�̿� ���� ����� ��Ÿ���� ǥ���� 'on top of
the world'���ϴ�.
A: I heard you were engaged to Marian.
B: Actually, I was.
A: Oh, really? So, how did you feel on the night of your engagement?
B: I felt like I was on top of the world.
��'on top of the world'�� �����ϸ� [���� ����]��� �ǹ��̸�
'I felt on top of the world.'�� "���� ���� �ִ� �����̾���."
��, (������
����� ���Ҵ�)�� ���մϴ�.
���� [����� ���Ҿ�]��� �ǹ̷� 'I felt good.'���� �����ϱ� ���쳪
�� ǥ���� �˰� ������ ������ ǥ���� �� �� �� �� ���� �ſ���.
�� 'on top of the world'�� ���� ���� �ִ� ����!. ���ٸ�
'out of this world'��? �� ������ �� ���� �ʰ� �ٻ���[wonderful],
Ȥ�� ȯ������[fantastic]�̶� ���̿���.
A: ���Ȱ� ��ȥ�Ѵٰ� ����µ�.
B: ��� �̹� �߾�.
A: ��,
�����̾�? ��,��ȥ���� �׳� �㿡 ����� ���?
B: ������ ���� ����̾���.
�� ������ �Ͼ� �Ѹ��� ��
���Ͼ ����� ���� ���·� ���� �Ǿ�
����� ��ȭ�� �̿��ؼ� ����� 1:1�� �ܱ��� �н��� �� �� �ִ�
�� Online Korea
[ http://www.olk.co.kr ] �� ���
����, ������� ���� ��� �˼��մϴ�. �ε� �ʱ��� �뼭��......
���� ȸ�翡���� ���� ���ӿ� ��Ȱ ȸȭ�� ���� �ִ� �е鲲 ����(��-��),
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���Ͱ��� ������ ���� �ƺ��� ���Ͻø� �� olk@olk.co.kr ����
"yes"��� ������ ������ �ֽñ�
����, ���� ��ȭ �ܱ��� ���ǰ� �ñ��Ͻ� �е��� ���� �� �ù����� �� ��
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�ù����Ǹ� ��û�Ͻø� ���� ��ȭ�� ��� �ù����Ǹ� �� �帰��ϴ�.
����, ��ȭ 02-588-0510 ���ε� ��û�Ͻ� �� �ֱ���.
�ƹ��ɷ� �� �н����� ldp-discuss���� ȸȭ �Ƿ� ��� ���� ������
ldp-discuss�Բ��� http://ldp.mirror.or.kr/archives/ldp-discuss/msg03618.html�� �ִ� �ּҸ� ���� ���� �帮�� �Ǿ����ϴ�.
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