Minutes IAB Meeting -- February 12, 2002, 15h00-17h00 US-ET =================================================== ATTENDING: * John Klensin -- IAB Chair Harald Alvestrand -- IETF/IESG Chair * Ran Atkinson * Rob Austein * Fred Baker * Steve Bellovin -- Liaison to the IESG * Brian Carpenter * Jon Crowcroft * Leslie Daigle * Sally Floyd * Geoff Huston Erik Nordmark -- Liaison from the IESG Vern Paxson -- IRTF Chair, liaison from the IRTF Joyce K. Reynolds -- Liaison from the RFC Editor * Henning Schulzrinne ["*" indicates presence for the discussion of Agenda Item 5, handled first.] REGRETS: Steve Deering Lynn St.Amour -- Liaison from ISOC NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: Teleconference Tuesday March 12, 2002, 1500-1700 US-ET AGENDA ======= 1. Acceptance of minutes of past meetings . January 8, 2002 (as circulated February 9, 2002) 2. Review of Action Items (below) 3. Review of current IAB documents (below) 4. Liaison updates 5. NomCom Status 6. ENUM status 7. IANA response re. .bz redelegation 8. ISOC Board appointee process 9. Bert's management architecture question 10. Is there anything to action about IDN? NOTES ===== 1. Acceptance of minutes of past meetings January 8, 2001 (as circulated February 9, 2002) Accepted. 2. Review of Action Items (below) 3. Review of current IAB documents (below) 4. Liaison updates IESG: Nothing major going on. IRTF: In the middle of discussions with OPS ADs as to relationship between AAAARCH work and standards work in the IETF. NSRG -- hoping that they will produce the overview document that has been under discussion there. ISOC: Nothing beyond the agenda item (#8). W3C: New coordination call scheduled -- March 11. ITU: ENUM -- progressing in discussions. PSO: Discussing the annual handoff of the secretary function. W3C is next up. Steve Bellovin is stepping down as a PSO-PC appointee from the IETF. Geoff Huston is appointed to replace him, effective immediately. Steve will announce it to the PSO-PC. John Klensin will make the announcement to the IETF announce list. 5. NomCom Status The voting members of the IAB considered the list of IESG nominations forwarded by the NomCom. As part of the due diligence in considering confirmation of the nominations, the IAB has requested further details of nomination information as per the documented process, as well as seeking clarification of certain aspects of the procedures used by the NomCom in order to be assured that these actions conformed to the objectives of the process. Rob Austein will redraft a note asking for further detail from the nomcom. 6. ENUM status ITU Study Group 2 has signed off on our interim procedures for ENUM registrations in e164.arpa; registrations are starting to occur. Problems are migrating elsewhere. Do we need an ENUM-specific liaison to ITU-T? 7. IANA response re. .bz redelegation John Klensin has drafted some remarks and circulated them. Editorial comments received from some IAB members, but no consensus yet. John will redraft and circulate note. 8. ISOC Board appointee process Draft governance procedure in front of the Board, but there are details to work out. IETF(IAB) will be free to define its own process for selecting candidates, with the only linkage to avoid collisions with the ISOC NomCom process in terms of naming candidates. These are expected to be regular Trustees. ISOC counsel doesn't seem to think that a voting ex officio officer is anything that makes sense. IAB will make selections of 2 BoT members for this year. This IAB will issue the call for nominees (initiating the process), and the next seated IAB will make the selection. John Klensin will write the note to the IETF community outlining this proposal. 9. Bert's management architecture question Ran Atkinson has put together a focused proposal for a network management architecture workshop. Almost ready for circulation to the IAB list. Hopefully we can make some announcement in Minneapolis. Brian suggests we can agree in principle that it's good topic for a workshop. 10. Is there anything to action about IDN? Ran Atkinson has offered to coordinate a document re. the chinese character set issue, as brought to us from the IDN WG. John Klensin is working on it with him. OLD ACTION ITEMS ================ * Harald Alvestrand: Arrange "International Internet" workshop/series of meetings. [pre-May01] = Ongoing "Sigh". Harald not sure what to do next. Doesn't feel like there has been enough review, but doesn't know how to get there. Can't suggest an alternative stuckee. Perhaps some of the specific people putting suggestions forth for IDN would be appropriate? Action item: by next call, identify potential co-chair. Assigned to Harald and John. * Ran Atkinson, Henning Schulzrinne Read INTLOC documents and comment on their applicability as "Internationalization Considerations". [Dec01] = Done * Rob Austein and Brian Carpenter: Review and potentially update RFC 1958. [pre-May01] = Ongoing Draft text circulated to IAB for comment. Will shortly be published as draft-iab-arch-changes-00.txt. Subsequent versions are expected; potential Minneapolis plenary item to solicit community input. * John Klensin: Talk to the IESG about IPR repository plan. [Aug01] = Ongoing Revisited in January 2002 -- status quo. John & Harald Alvestrand need to have a discussion with IESG & Secretariat. John & Harald are declared the committee to deal with this. * Brian Carpenter, Lynn St.Amour Draft ISOC board member job description and requirements for IETF [Dec01] = Done Input from ISOC NomCom has been provided to John. * Sally Floyd First cut on "Architectural Considerations" document -- a generalization of the discussions we've had about OPES, CDI, and glorp/shipworm. [Dec01] = Ongoing * John Klensin: ENUM background and motivation document [Jan02] = Done Published as draft-iab-itu-enum-notes-00.txt -- to move to documents in progress. * Henning Schulzrinne: (Definitive) history of the IETF website [Jan02] = Ongoing Notes are together on Henning's web page; he'll last call it and see where we go from here. NEW ACTION ITEMS ================ * John Klensin, Harald Alvestrand Find co-chair for IntLoc effort [Feb02] * John Klensin Redraft and ship commentary on .bz delegation proposal [Feb02] * John Klensin Note to IETF announce outlining plan for appointing Trustees to ISOC Board. [Feb02] * Ran Atkinson Network Management workshop plan [Feb02] * Ran Atkinson, John Klensin Draft issues document re. IDN and the Traditional/Simplified Chinese matching problem, generalized [Feb02] IAB DRAFTS IN PROGRESS ====================== * Ran Atkinson, Steve Bellovin: Security considerations, including common security attacks. http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-rescorla-sec-cons-03.txt [pre-May01] = Ongoing Steve and Eric Rescorla have done some revisions, and are waiting on Jeff Schiller for input on IPsec. * Steve Bellovin: Applicability statement for security building blocks. [pre-May01] = Ongoing New version shipped to Jeff Schiller for comment; two open issues, but should be ready to go soon. * Brian Carpenter: Middle boxes: taxonomy and issues http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-carpenter-midtax-03.txt [pre-May01] = Done Published as RFC 3234. * Henning Schulzrinne: Telephony Services PSTN interworking draft as an IAB document. [pre-May01] = Ongoing Detailed comments circulated on the IAB list. Ongoing out-of- band discussions. * Leslie Daigle: IETF PSO-PC Process http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-iab-pso-appointments-00.txt [May01] = Ongoing. * Sally Floyd: IAB Considerations for OPES http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-iab-opes-01.txt [Oct01] = Done Published as RFC 3238. * Leslie Daigle: IAB Considerations for UNilateral Self-Address Fixing (UNSAF) http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-iab-unsaf-considerations-01.txt [Jan02] = Ongoing Revised version (-01) published week of February 4, 2002. * John Klensin: ENUM Backgrounder http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-iab-itu-enum-notes-00.txt [Feb02] FUTURE MEETINGS =============== Regular teleconference second Tuesday of the month 1500-1700 US East Coast time. These minutes were prepared by Leslie Daigle; comments should be sent to iab-execd@iab.org. An online copy of these and other minutes is available at ftp://ftp.iab.org/in-notes/IAB/IABmins/ Also, visit the IAB Web page at http://www.iab.org/