Date: Mon, 03 Feb 1997 17:24:53 -0800 From: Abel Weinrib Subject: Minutes for Jan. 14 IAB teleconference ============ MINUTES FOR JANUARY 14, 1997 IAB TELECONFERENCE PRESENT: Steve Bellovin Brian Carpenter Jon Crowcroft Robert Elz Erik Huizer John Klensin Allison Mankin Robert Moskowitz Radia Perlman Jon Postel Yakov Rekhter Chris Weider Abel Weinrib Don Heath NEXT MEETING: Teleconference Tuesday March 11, 10-12 Eastern Time. NEW ACTION ITEMS: * Robert Elz, John Klensin: Produce statement on appropriate use of precedence and TOS bits in IPv4. OLD ACTION ITEMS: * Jon Crowcroft: Review IPPM, int-serv mechanisms, routing arbiter, etc. from the perspective of providing end-to-end quality service across multiple providers. * Radia Perlman: Send first draft of "what should be in a protocol" document to mailing list. * Fred Baker: Arrange with Steve Coya to send BOF charters to the iab list in advance of IETF meetings. * Chris Weider: "Assigned numbers should be available from an online dictionary"--figure out what to do. * Brian Carpenter: Get relevant ISO standards documents (e.g., 10646) available to the IETF community online. * Brian Carpenter: Get Bob Hinden and Bob Fink to produce a document articulating the technical value of IPv6 beyond large addresses. 1. review actions and drafts in progress ------------------------------- Crowcroft "end-to-end QoS" draft to mailing list. Next steps: add detailed examples, address how all of the pieces fit together architecturally. Perlman "what should be in protocols" draft--open. =============================== 2. administrivia ------------------------------- =============================== 3. IRTF news ------------------------------- There was discussion at the San Jose IETF regarding creation of two research groups, one on Internet Policy and one on Reliable Multicast. Both represent work that was proposed to the Transport Area, but is viewed as more appropriate for a research group at this time. The IRTF Chair is now waiting for submission of proposed charters for the two groups. =============================== 4. IESG liaison report ------------------------------- In a recent IESG teleconference questions were raised about the appropriateness of an IAB member's participation in a working group discussion--the implication was that IAB members should explicitly state that they are speaking as individuals before contributing. Obviously, the default is that IAB members are speaking as individuals unless they state otherwise, and IAB members (as well as any other member of the community) should and must be free to participate in the process. =============================== 5. "loose end" on policy handling (see message to mailing list) ------------------------------- Brian will send it to the IESG as IAB opinion, and then send it to POISSON working group. =============================== 6. reactions to IAHC draft ------------------------------- The IAHC draft was discussed. The IAB expressed lack of enthusiasm for collectively commenting on the draft at this point. IAB members are, of course, encouraged to comment as individuals. Don Heath reported that the hottest issue on IAHC discussion list are the 60 day wait and the lottery. =============================== 7. IESG candidates ------------------------------- The IAB held a first discussion of slate of candidates for the IESG. In addition to consideration of the slate, concerns were raised about the procedure implemented by this year's Nomcomm. The Nomcomm is working in great secrecy, requiring that almost everything be kept confidential. As a result, the IAB does not know who was consulted to make sure due diligence was exercised or what were the criteria for selection. One of the potentials problems with the current process is that the way that the Nomcomm is chosen guarantees that it does not have an institutional memory, although the previous chair of the Nomcomm happens to be on this year's Nomcomm, so some continuity could be expected. In general, it was agreed that if institutional memory is required, then it should be written down. However, the POISED working group explicitly decided not to write down any more details on the nominations process. =============================== 8. Appropriate use of Precedence, TOS bits in IPv4 ------------------------------- Various "innovators" on the Web are coming up with creative uses of the TOS and other bits in the IPv4 header. Using the bits for applications-level protocols appears to be a serious violation of layering. The host requirements and router requirements documents already discuss how these bits are supposed to be used--the question is whether these uses are still relevant, and what is appropriate to do now. Some routers actually pay attention to the bits, but no uniformity in their use. The IAB will produce a statement on this topic. =============================== 9. IAB security workshop. ------------------------------- Will be held March 3-5 in New Jersey. The organizers need suggestions on who to invite, especially interested non-security people. =============================== 10. IPv6 Address Format ------------------------------- The IAB noted that a substantial change to the IPv6 address format has been proposed to the IPNG working group. The IAB should track the architectural implications of this proposal as they emerge. =============================== Future Meetings ------------------------------- Regular teleconference second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 AM Eastern Time. =============================== =============================== These minutes were prepared by Abel Weinrib, An online copy of these and other minutes are available at Also, visit the IAB Web page at []