Date: Mon, 04 Aug 1997 07:39:46 -0700 From: Abel Weinrib Subject: Minutes for July 15 IAB teleconference ============ MINUTES FOR JULY 15, 1997 IAB TELECONFERENCE PRESENT: Fred Baker Steve Bellovin Brian Carpenter Steve Deering Robert Elz Tony Hain Don Heath Erik Huizer Cyndi Jung John Klensin Keith Moore Robert Moskowitz Charlie Perkins Radia Perlman Jon Postel Abel Weinrib NEXT MEETING: Face-to-face meetings at IETF in Munich. NEW ACTION ITEMS: * Keith Moore, John Klensin: Form an IETF BOF on technical measures to deal with spamming. OLD ACTION ITEMS: * Erik Huizer: Create first cut on middleware/network services (service location, directories, overloading of http, etc.)--leading to a workshop? * Steve Deering: Create first cut on routing and address architectures, including multicast--leading to a workshop? * Abel Weinrib: publicize new IRTF Web page. * Tony Hain, Charles Perkins (will coauthor): Get Bob Hinden and Bob Fink to produce a document articulating the technical value of IPv6 beyond large addresses. DRAFTS IN PROGRESS: * Brian Carpenter and Eric Huizer: IAB charter (updated RFC 1601). * Jon Crowcroft and Brian Carpenter: Document end-to-end QOS architecture for multi-provider Internet. * Radia Perlman: What should be in protocols. * Robert Elz, John Klensin: Appropriate use of precedence and TOS bits in IPv4 (end-to-end vs. end-to-cloud, IPSEC implications, etc.). * Steve Bellovin: Security workshop report. - review actions and drafts in progress ------------------------------- All ongoing, but slow... Everyone is too busy. =============================== - administrivia ------------------------------- Face-to-face IAB business meeting in Munich is Tuesday evening. =============================== - IRTF news ------------------------------- Proposed Routing Research Group discussed. =============================== - IESG liaison ------------------------------- =============================== - POC nominations ------------------------------- Will ask Steve Coya to send to the IETF list the current set of people who have accepted nomination, plus three people we are waiting to hear from. It was observed that the job description appears to be still in flux. There was general agreement that we need to move forward with selection of IAB appointees to the POC, striving to find people with technical background who are prepared to serve even as the job description solidifies. =============================== - Radia's "what's in a protocol" draft ------------------------------- Discuss in Munich, face-to-face. =============================== - Jon and Brian's QOS draft ------------------------------- General agreement that it needs more work before it will stand as an overview of the architecture to support QOS and differentiated services. =============================== - spamming ------------------------------- Agreement that we should explore whether it makes sense to form a working group in the IETF to address technical issues associated with spamming mail, starting with a BOF at a future IETF meeting. E.g., object level security tied to individuals would help, blocking spoofed origins, mail relays, etc. =============================== Future Meetings ------------------------------- Regular teleconference second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 AM Eastern Time. =============================== =============================== These minutes were prepared by Abel Weinrib, An online copy of these and other minutes are available at Also, visit the IAB Web page at []