Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 14:30:23 -0800 From: Abel Weinrib Subject: Minutes for Nov 11 IAB teleconference MINUTES FOR NOVEMBER 11, 1997 IAB TELECONFERENCE PRESENT: Steve Bellovin Brian Carpenter Jon Crowcroft Steve Deering Robert Elz Erik Huizer Cyndi Jung John Klensin Keith Moore Robert Moskowitz Radia Perlman Jon Postel Abel Weinrib The IAB sends condolences to Fred Baker in his time of loss. NEXT MEETING: Face-face business meeting 7:30 Tuesday evening, Dec. 9, in Washington. NEW ACTION ITEMS: * Radia Perlman: Collect action items for IETF on BCPs that need to be documented, where an example is email behavior. * John Klensin: Get CORE shared registry technology explained in Washington IETF. OLD ACTION ITEMS: * Brian Carpenter: Poll IESG on "Is there is a constituency for IP over DAVIC work?" * Abel Weinrib: Figure out what action to take re. irritating behavior of Internet tools and lists of current work, etc. * Abel Weinrib: Invite IRTF Research Group chairs to the IAB business meeting during Washington DC IETF. * Steve Bellovin: Review SASL draft. * Keith Moore, John Klensin: Form an IETF BOF on technical measures to deal with spamming. * Erik Huizer: Investigate whether the IAB should sponsor work on an Internet Network Management Architecture * Steve Deering, Radia Perlman, Cyndi Jung: Plan Routing & Addressing workshop with Joel Halpern and Sue Hares. * Abel Weinrib: publicize new IRTF Web page. * Tony Hain, Charles Perkins (will coauthor): Get Bob Hinden and Bob Fink to produce a document articulating the technical value of IPv6 beyond large addresses. DRAFTS IN PROGRESS: * Brian Carpenter and Erik Huizer: IAB charter (updated RFC 1601). * Radia Perlman: What should be in protocols. * Steve Bellovin: Security workshop report. 1. review actions ------------------------------- * Brian Carpenter: Poll IESG on "Is there is a constituency for IP over DAVIC work?"--Agreed that IP over X is IETF business, but inconclusive as to whether to work with DAVIC or not. * Abel Weinrib: Figure out what action to take re. irritating behavior of Internet tools and lists of current work, etc.--done * Abel Weinrib: Invite IRTF Research Group chairs to the IAB business meeting during Washington DC IETF.--done, waiting for responses * Steve Bellovin: Review SASL draft.--still open, but the document has been approved by IESG. (More generally, should we be helping SHTTP to gain momentum, rather than TLS?) * Keith Moore, John Klensin: Form an IETF BOF on technical measures to deal with spamming.--looks like it did not get on the Washington agenda, so remains open. The IMC is doing work on authentication for mail... * Erik Huizer: Investigate whether the IAB should sponsor work on an Internet Network Management Architecture.--still open. Perhaps form an IRTF group? * Steve Deering, Radia Perlman, Cyndi Jung: Plan Routing & Addressing workshop with Joel Halpern and Sue Hares.--have dates; agenda needs to be trimmed; core set of invitees identified; more refined list to be created in DC. * Abel Weinrib: publicize new IRTF Web page.--still open. * Tony Hain, Charles Perkins (will coauthor): Get Bob Hinden and Bob Fink to produce a document articulating the technical value of IPv6 beyond large addresses.--still open. =============================== 2. review drafts in progress ------------------------------- * Brian Carpenter and Erik Huizer: IAB charter (updated RFC 1601).--on agenda * Radia Perlman: What should be in protocols.--Radia will talk with Chris Newman about working together; he has written a draft document on the same topic, but with basically different content. * Steve Bellovin: Security workshop report.--still open. =============================== 3. administrivia ------------------------------- Tuesday business meeting in Washington will be Tuesday Dec. 9, 7:30 PM. Buffet dinner at 6:30. Suggested that we have an IAB dinner after IESG plenary Thursday evening... but right now the agenda shows a dinner break before the IAB and IESG open plenaries. =============================== 4. IRTF news ------------------------------- The IESG Transport Area directors has expressed the opinion that the End-End research group should not be summarily cut off... (There are no plans to cut anyone off; however, discussion are ongoing re. the appropriateness of limited membership groups in the IRTF.) =============================== 5. IESG liaison report ------------------------------- =============================== 6. preparation for D.C. business and open meetings ------------------------------- Topics for business meeting: CORE and Emergent shared registry technology--we wish to understand better network management new IANA organization Radia's badly-behaved apps routing and addressing workshop NAT, VPN, DHCP etc. are fundamentally changing the Internet architecture... discussion with IRTF research group chairs Radia is presenting on "what should be in standards" at open plenary. Brian will put together some comments for opening the Q&A session. =============================== 7. IAB charter revision ------------------------------- Potential changes to IANA: The US government is not going to be supporting the IANA after 1998. Jon Postel is putting together a proposal to create a new non-profit organization to do the work, with a board of trustees, a salaried Executive Director, etc. Funding might be from corporations who will sit on an advisory council. IANA will form liaisons with other organizations (registries, engineering orgs., etc.). RFC Editor role is very tied in with IANA role. Proposal is to include RFC Editor job in IANA organization. =============================== Future Meetings ------------------------------- Regular teleconference second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 AM Eastern Time. =============================== =============================== These minutes were prepared by Abel Weinrib, An online copy of these and other minutes are available at Also, visit the IAB Web page at []