
                             RTR INDEX

This file contains citations for RTRs that have also appeared as RFCs.

RTR citations appear in this format:

####  Title of RTR.  Author 1, Author 2, Author 3.  Issue date.
      (Format: ASCII) (Obsoletes xxx) (Obsoleted by xxx) (Updates xxx)
      (Updated by xxx) (Also RFC ####)

Key to citations:

#### is the RTR number.

Following the number are the title (terminated with a period), the
author, or list of authors (terminated with a period), and the date
(terminated with a period).

The format and byte information follows in parenthesis.  The format,
either ASCII text (TXT) or PostScript (PS) or both, is noted, followed
by an equals sign and the number of bytes for that version.  For
example (Format: TXT=aaaaa, PS=bbbbbb bytes) shows that the ASCII text
version is aaaaa bytes, and the PostScript version of the RTR is
bbbbbb bytes.  The (Also RFC ##) phrase gives the equivalent RFC.

    For example:

    0012    Writing X.400 O/R Names. H. Alvestrand, August 1994.
            (Format: TXT 21242 bytes) (Also RFC1685)

Details on obtaining RTRs via FTP or EMAIL may be obtained by sending
an EMAIL message to:  rfc-info@ISI.EDU 
with the message body help: ways_to_get_rtrs.  

For example:

	To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU
	Subject: getting rtrs

	help: ways_to_get_rtrs


                                RTR INDEX

0006 A Tutorial on Gatewaying between X.400 and Internet Mail. J.
     Houttuin. September 1993. (Format: TXT=85550 bytes) (Also RFC1506)

0008 Network Access to Multimedia Information. C. Adie. May 1994.
     (Format: TXT=187253 bytes) (Also RFC1614)

0009 Migrating from X.400(84) to X.400(88). J. Houttuin & J. Craigie.
     May 1994. (Format: TXT=39693 bytes) (Also RFC1615)

0010 X.400(1988) for the Academic and Research Community in Europe.
     RARE WG-MSG Task Force 88, E. Huizer & J. Romaguera, Editors. May
     1994. (Format: TXT=107432 bytes) (Also RFC1616)

0011 Naming and Structuring Guidelines for X.500 Directory Pilots. P.
     Barker, S. Kille & T. Lenggenhager. May 1994. (Format: TXT=56739
     bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1384) (Also RFC1617)

0012 Writing X.400 O/R Names. H. Alvestrand. August 1994. (Format:
     TXT=21242 bytes) (Also RFC1685)

0013 A Status Report on Networked Information Retrieval: Tools and
     Groups. J. Foster. August 1994. (Format: TXT=375469 bytes) (Also
     RFC1689, FYI0025)