category: GNOME Net
requires: cygwin libavahi-client3 libavahi-common3 libavahi-glib1 libcairo2 libgcrypt20 libglib2.0_0 libgnutls30 libgtk3_0 libICE6 libintl8 libjpeg8 libnotify4 libsecret1_0 libSM6 libX11_6 libXdamage1 libXext6 libXfixes3 libXtst6 zlib0 
sdesc: "GNOME VNC server"
ldesc: "The package contains an integrated VNC server for GNOME.
NOTE: this is an *X11* VNC server. Clients connecting to this server will
only see your X11 session, and will have no access to the Windows desktop."