# NAME Params::Get - Get the parameters to a subroutine in any way you want # VERSION Version 0.01 # SYNOPSIS use Params::Get; use Params::Validate::Strict; sub where_am_i { my $params = Params::Validate::Strict::validate_strict({ args => Params::Get::get_params(undef, @_), schema => { 'latitude' => { type => 'number', min => -180, max => 180 }, 'longitude' => { type => 'number', min => -180, max => 180 } } }); print 'You are at ', $params->{'latitude'}, ', ', $params->{'longitude'}, "\n"; } # METHODS ## get\_params Parse the arguments given to a function. Processes arguments passed to methods and ensures they are in a usable format, allowing the caller to call the function in any way that they want e.g. foo('bar'), foo(arg => 'bar'), foo({ arg => 'bar' }) all mean the same when called \_get\_params('arg', @\_); # AUTHOR Nigel Horne, `<njh at bandsman.co.uk>` # BUGS # SEE ALSO - [Params::Validate::Strict](https://metacpan.org/pod/Params%3A%3AValidate%3A%3AStrict) # SUPPORT This module is provided as-is without any warranty. Please report any bugs or feature requests to `bug-params-get at rt.cpan.org`, or through the web interface at [http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Params-Get](http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Params-Get). I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Params::Get You can also look for information at: - MetaCPAN [https://metacpan.org/dist/Params-Get](https://metacpan.org/dist/Params-Get) - RT: CPAN's request tracker [https://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Params-Get](https://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Params-Get) - CPAN Testers' Matrix [http://matrix.cpantesters.org/?dist=Params-Get](http://matrix.cpantesters.org/?dist=Params-Get) - CPAN Testers Dependencies [http://deps.cpantesters.org/?module=Params::Get](http://deps.cpantesters.org/?module=Params::Get) # LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2025 Nigel Horne. This program is released under the following licence: GPL2