use MILA::Transliterate qw((hebrew2treebank hebrew2erel hebrew2fsma);
            my $erel_transliterated = hebrew2erel($utf8_encoded_hebrew_text);
            my $treebank_transliterated = hebrew2treebank($utf8_encoded_hebrew_text);
            my $fsma_transliterated = hebrew2fsma($utf8_encoded_hebrew_text);

            # note that the reverse transliteration does NOT maintain final Hebrew letters!

    Before UNICODE was widely used, applications that were manipulating
    Hebrew text usually used some transliteration into ASCII characters
    instead of using Hebrew letters. This was particularly true for software
    developed in the academia. MILA is a nick name for the Knowledge Center
    for Processing Hebrew (see: This
    knowledge center develops software and standards that result from
    research in natural language processing for Hebrew. As a result, some
    legacy software also needs to be maintained and such legacy software
    usually used transliteration.

    This module contains mapping from UTF-8 encoded Hebrew to the various
    transliteration schemes that MILA needs to support and also contains the
    reversed mapping.

    $treebank_transliterated = hebrew2treebank( $utf8_encoded_hebrew_text )
    This function maps UTF-8 encoded Hebrew text into the treebank
    transliteration. Every character not in the mapping is being copied as
    is without any conversion.

    $erel_transliterated = hebrew2erel( $utf8_encoded_hebrew_text )
    This function maps UTF-8 encoded Hebrew text into the erel
    transliteration. Every character not in the mapping is being copied as
    is without any conversion.

    $fsma_transliterated = hebrew2fsma( $utf8_encoded_hebrew_text )
    This function maps UTF-8 encoded Hebrew text into the fsma
    transliteration. Every character not in the mapping is being copied as
    is without any conversion.

    $utf8_encoded_hebrew_text = treebank2hebrew( $treebank_transliterated )
    This function provides the reverse transliteration that is provided by
    hebrew2treebank(). Note that final letters are not preserved and are

    $utf8_encoded_hebrew_text = erel2hebrew( $erel_transliterated )
    This function provides the reverse transliteration that is provided by
    hebrew2erel(). Note that final letters are not preserved and are lost.

    $utf8_encoded_hebrew_text = fsma2hebrew( $fsma_transliterated )
    This function provides the reverse transliteration that is provided by
    hebrew2fsma(). Note that final letters are not preserved and are lost.

    Shlomo Yona

    Copyright (c) 20042 Shlomo Yona. All rights reserved.

    This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/12/17 09:17:37 $