HTML::Widgets::Table - An HTML table generation class.

     use HTML::Widgets::Table;
     my $table = HTML::Widgets::Table->new(\%params);
     my $html = $table->render;

     HTML::Widgets::Table creates an HTML table from native data structures.

     Create a new table object.  Parameters that can be passed
     include any legal attributes for an HTML table tag.  In
     addition, the following parameters may be passed.

         pretty_border => 1
         pretty_border_color => '#669999'

            If pretty_border is a true value, the table will be rendered
            with a browser-independent border by putting the table inside
            another table, allowing the background color of the outside
            table come through as the border.  The value of pretty_border
            will be with width of the border, and pretty_border_color
            will be the color of the border.

         alternating_row_colors => [ '#ffffff',

            You can use this to alternate the background color of the
            rows in the table.  This is useful for making tables without
            borders and rules easier to read.

  addHeaderRow(\@data, \%cell_params, \%params)
     Adds a header row to the table (as in the <th> tags for the
     columns).  Header rows are also enclosed in <thead> tags.  @data
     is an array of column values.  Any elements of the array that
     are hash references are taken to be key/value pairs with the
     cell contents as the value associated with the key 'data', and
     all the other key/value pairs are attributes to be applied to
     that cell.  These override the values in %cell_params.
     %cell_params are default attributes for every column in the row.
     %params are the row attributes to go in the <tr> tag.

  addRow(\@data, \%cell_params, \%params)
     Adds a new row to the table.  @data is an array of column
     values.  Any elements of the array that are hash references are
     taken to be key/value pairs with the cell contents as the value
     associated with the key 'data', and all the other key/value
     pairs are attributes to be applied to that cell.  These override
     the values in %cell_params.  %cell_params are default attributes
     for every column in the row.  %params are the row attributes to
     go in the <tr> tag.

  setRepeatingHeaderRow(\@data, \%cell_params, \%params, $repeat_interval)
     Adds a header row to be repeated every $repeat_interval rows.
     This is useful to keep the user oriented when viewing long tables.

  setRepeatingRow(\@data, \%cell_params, \%params, $repeat_interval)
     Adds a row to be repeated every $repeat_interval rows.
     This is useful to keep the user oriented when viewing long tables.

     Returns a string containing the HTML version of the table.

     Don Owens <>

     Copyright (c) 2003 Don Owens

     All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can
     redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
