Wetware/llyrisWeb version 0.01 ====================================== This is the first in some extensions to simplify our own use of the Lyris 4.2 list server - and it requires that the lyris LCP perl interface is available on the machine that you run this module.. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make install DEPENDENCIES CGI and lyris.pl COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Put the correct copyright and licence information here. Copyright (C) 2002 andrew f. hampe - for drieuxish Software ToolKits drieux AT wetware.com - you figure it out. Please review the LICENSE file for the gory details. But please, if you use it, remember where you found it. Let me know if you liked it. #-------------------pod2Text------------- NAME Wetware::llyrisWeb - PM for lyris mailserver support SYNOPSIS use Wetware::llyrisWeb; dtk_show_query_page($PageTitle); show_answerPage($PageTitle, @string); &Wetware::llyrisWeb::parse_cmd_line(@ARGV); DESCRIPTION This is the start of how to extend the lyris web front end to solve a problem for our list admin types. the first two are simple CGI based tricks. The first puts up a brain stoopid query page. The submit button will set the param('ourInputStrings'); The second is the response page portion - given @strings to go searching through the lyris emaillists for, it will construct the results of that query in html and ship it back. The third is for command line running on your Lyris Host so that one merely passes in at the command line the $tokens that you wish to search for. TIMTOWTDI EXAMPLES The simple CGI front end would be something like: if ( $request =~ /GET/ ) { dtk_show_query_page($QUERY_PAGE_TITLE); } elsif ( $request =~ /POST/) { my $stuff = param('ourInputStrings'); my @string = split(' ', $stuff); show_answerPage($RESPONSE_PAGE_TITLE, @string); } The simple Command Line Script Would Be: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use Wetware::llyrisWeb qw/parse_cmd_line/; parse_cmd_line(@ARGV); EXPORT None by default. COREQUISITES CGI "'lyrislib.pl'" AUTHOR drieux, just drieux, <drieux@wetware.com<gt> SEE ALSO the perl manpage. the CGI manpage. OS TRIED ON Solaris, Linux Redhat 7.2