README for DiaColloDB::WWW ABSTRACT DiaColloDB::WWW - www wrapper scripts and utitilties for DiaColloDB diachronic collocation database REQUIREMENTS Perl Modules The following non-core perl modules are required, and should be available from CPAN <>. DiaColloDB File::Copy::Recursive File::ShareDir File::ShareDir::Install File::chmod::Recursive HTTP::Daemon HTTP::Message MIME::Types Template URI URI::Escape Additional Requirements In order to make use of this module, you will also need an existing DiaCollo index to query. See dcdb-create.perl(1) from the DiaColloDB distribution for details. DESCRIPTION The DiaColloDB::WWW package provides a set of Perl modules and wrapper scripts implementing a simple webservice API for DiaColloDB indices, including a simple user interface and online visualization. INSTALLATION Issue the following commands to the shell: bash$ cd DiaColloDB-WWW-0.01 # (or wherever you unpacked this distribution) bash$ perl Makefile.PL # check requirements, etc. bash$ make # build the module bash$ make test # (optional): test module before installing bash$ make install # install the module on your system See perlmodinstall for details. USAGE Assuming you have a raw text corpus you would like to access via this module, the following steps will be required: Corpus Annotation and Conversion Your corpus must be tokenized and annotated with whatever word-level attributes and/or document-level metadata you wish to be able to query; in particular document date is required. See "SUBCLASSES" in DiaColloDB::Document for a list of currently supported corpus formats. DiaCollo Index Creation You will need to compile a DiaColloDB index for your corpus. This can be accomplished using the dcdb-create.perl(1) script from the DiaColloDB distribution. WWW Wrappers The proper domain of this distribution is to mediate between a high-level user interface running in a web browser and the DiaColloDB index API itself. Utilities are provided for accomplishing this task in the following two ways: ... as a Standalone Server Once you have a DiaCollo index, you can access it by running the standalone server script dcdb-www-server.perl(1) included in this distribution. ... or via an External HTTP Server Alternately, you can use the dcdb-www-create.perl(1) script from this distribution to bootstrap a wrapper directory for use with an external webserver such as apache <>. You will need to manually configure your webserver for the directory thus created. In either case, additional configuration will be necessary if you wish to have access to the corpus KWIC-link function, which requires a running DDC Server <> and corresponding web wrappers for corpus searching. SEE ALSO * The user help page for the DiaColloDB::WWW wrappers at <>. * The CLARIN-D DiaCollo Showcase at < > contains a brief example-driven tutorial on using the web-service implemented by the DiaColloDB::WWW wrappers (in German). * The DiaColloDB::WWW and DiaColloDB documentation. THIRD PARTY LIBRARIES Includes by Jason Davies, see <> for details. Includes purl.js by Mark Perkins, see <> for details. Online time-series visualization via the "highcharts" format dynamically loads client-side JavaScript libraries not included in this distribution from <>. The Highcharts JavaScript libraries are available free of cost for non-commercial use; see <> for details. AUTHOR Bryan Jurish <> wrote and maintains the DiaColloDB::WWW distribution.