android backup utility
modelled after tar

the motivation to this project stemmed from the evil that is motorola's moto-x 
tyranny in their bootlocker and filesystem security
I simply love games that get ported to android and maintain the same save game
one can then easily transfer their progress between devices
this utility makes that simple

there is a java utility named the Android Backup Extractor which can be found

and another java tool here:

however, despising graphical applications and deriving enjoyment from perl
programming as i do, you now have abk
(apache people took 'ab' with the benchmarking tool, and mr Elenkov's tool is

  abk [op] file [dir]
    -t list table of contents
    -c create android backup named file from dir
    -x extract
    -v and list toc 

for those not yet aquainted with this android afterthought and wonderfully
clandestine way of transferring private application files, see the following
sample windows session:

NOTE: obtaining and setting up android developer bridge (adb) is out of scope
yet can be known from the listed references below

1: obtain the program's namespace

  adb shell pm list packages | find /I "baldur"

2: create a backup (see xda-devs article below for more info)

  adb backup -f bgeesave.ab com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition

3: extract

  abk -xv bgeesave.ab


4: create a new ab file from filesystem
  abk -c newsave.ab apps/

5: restore the backup

  adb restore newsave.ab

further reading: