Apache::AuthenSMB - mod_perl NT Authentication module

        <Directory /foo/bar>
        # This is the standard authentication stuff
        AuthName "Foo Bar Authentication"
        AuthType Basic

        # Variables you need to set, you must set at least
        # the myPDC variable, the DOMAIN defaults to WORKGROUP      
        PerlSetVar myPDC workgroup-pdc
        PerlSetVar myBDC workgroup-bdc
        PerlSetVar myDOMAIN WORKGROUP

        PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenSmb

        # Standard require stuff, only user and 
        # valid-user work currently
        require valid-user

        These directives can be used in a .htaccess file as well.

        If you wish to use your own PerlAuthzHandler then the require 
        directive should follow whatever handler you use.

    This perl module is designed to work with mod_perl and the
    Authen::Smb module by Patrick Michael Kane (See CPAN). You need
    to set your PDC, BDC, and NT domain name for the script to
    function properly. You MUST set a PDC, if no BDC is set it
    defaults to the PDC, if no DOMAIN is set it defaults to

    If you are using this module please let me know, I'm curious how
    many people there are that need this type of functionality.

    Michael Parker <>

    Copyright (c) 1998 Michael Parker, Tandem Computers.

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.