$Id: README 137 2006-09-14 13:43:21Z rmuhle $

    classes - conventional Perl 5 classes

    Version 0.940


    A simple, stable, fast, and flexible way to use Perl 5 classes.
    If you look at no other Perl OO module look at this one, really. If
    you have done OO in Perl you will find this comfortably familiar. If
    not you may save yourself time and pain learning the classes
    pragma first or as you learn Perl OO--many have already.


To install this module, run the following commands:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install


    * perldoc classes
        Syntax reference

    * perldoc classesoop

        Introductory primer of concepts, ideas and terms from object
        oriented programming without any particular implementation
        specifics in mind

    * perldoc classestut


        List of included tutorials aimed at taking a beginning Perl
        programmer from the basics to advanced techniques of object
        oriented programming with 'classes'.

    * perldoc classescb


        Cookbook collection of specific tasks and examples with
        lots of useable code.

    * perldoc classesfaq

        Questions and answers about support, design decisions,
        justification, motivation, and other hype.

    * SourceForge 'perl5class' Project Site

        Please submit any bugs or feature requests to this site.

    * perl5class-usage mailing list

    * Search CPAN

    * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation

    * CPAN Ratings

    Copyright 2005, 2006 Robert S. Muhlestein (rob at muhlestein.net)
    All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can
    redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
    itself. [See perlartistic.]