# NAME Baal::Parser - A Paser for Baal IDL. # SYNOPSIS use Baal::Parser; my $parser = Baal::Parser->new; my $parsed_document = $parser->parse(<<END); namespace Data.Hoge += Hoge.Fuga.* { service HogeHoge { Hoge: <= !integer => !integer; } } END # DESCRIPTION Baal::Parser is A Paser for Baal IDL. See [http://techblog.kayac.com/?page=1482198679](http://techblog.kayac.com/?page=1482198679) and [http://techblog.kayac.com/unity\_advent\_calendar\_2016\_20](http://techblog.kayac.com/unity_advent_calendar_2016_20) about Baal(They are written in japanese). # LICENSE Copyright (C) ohta-nobuyuki. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR ohta-nobuyuki <ohta-nobuyuki@kayac.com>