# SmsAero API Client for Perl ## Installation: ```bash cpanm SmsAero ``` ## Usage example: Get credentials from account settings page: https://smsaero.ru/cabinet/settings/apikey/ ```perl use strict; use warnings; use SmsAero; my $SMSAERO_EMAIL = 'your email'; my $SMSAERO_API_KEY = 'your api key'; my $sms = SmsAero->new( email => $SMSAERO_EMAIL, api_key => $SMSAERO_API_KEY ); eval { my $response = $sms->send_sms( number => '70000000000', text => 'Hello, World!' ); use Data::Dumper; print "API Response:\n", Dumper($response); }; if ($@) { print "An error occurred: $@\n"; } ``` #### Exceptions: * `SmsAeroException` - base exception class for all exceptions raised by the library * `SmsAeroConnectionException` - exception raised when there is a connection error * `SmsAeroNoMoneyException` - exception raised when there is not enough money in the account ## Run on Docker: ```bash docker pull 'smsaero/smsaero_perl:latest' docker run -it --rm 'smsaero/smsaero_perl:latest' smsaero_send --email "your email" --api_key "your api key" --phone 70000000000 --message 'Hello, World!' ``` ## License: ``` MIT License ```