--- name: Net-IRC2 version: 0.23 author: - Karl Y. Pradene <knotty@cpan.org> abstract: Client interface to the Internet Relay Chat protocol license: gpl requires: IO::Socket::INET: 1.27 Parse::RecDescent: 1.94 Test::More: '' perl: 5.8.1 provides: Net::IRC2: file: lib/Net/IRC2.pm version: 0.23 Net::IRC2::Connection: file: lib/Net/IRC2/Connection.pm version: 0.23 Net::IRC2::Event: file: lib/Net/IRC2/Event.pm version: 0.23 Net::IRC2::Parser: file: lib/Net/IRC2/Parser.pm version: 0.23 Parse::RecDescent::Net::IRC2::Parser: file: lib/Net/IRC2/Parser.pm version: 0.23 generated_by: Module::Build version 0.2611