README Web Tools version 1.24
This package is written in Perl and its main purpose is: to help all Web developers. 
It bring in self many features of modern Web developing:
  -  Grabs best of Php but in Perl syntax.
  -  Embedded Perl into HTML files (default).
  -  Buffered/Non buffered output.
  -  Easy reading input forms and cookies using global variables.
  -  Flat database support.
  -  MySQL/MS Access support.
  -  Sessions support (via DB/Flat files).
  -  Easy user support (all DB engines).
  -  Cookies support.
  -  Attached variables.
  -  Html/SQL templates (functions/INLINE/INPERL/INCLUDE)
  -  Mail functions (sendmail or build-in mail client).
  -  Upload/download.
  -  DES III encription/decription in MIME style
  -  Security settings
  -  Php subset of functions
and more...

  Join us and get the best!

INSTALL: Please read INSTALL.html
FAQ: Please read FAQ.html

Best regards,
