presto - Command-line interface for RESTful web services

    version 0.009

    Invoke from the shell:

            bash$ presto

    Very basic usage:

  > GET /product/1.json
            {"id":1,"name":"My Product"}

  > HEAD /product/1.json
            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Connection: close
            Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 21:05:33 GMT
            Content-Length: 0
            Content-Type: application/json
            Client-Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 21:05:44 GMT
            Client-Response-Num: 1

    "App::Presto" provides a command-line interface (CLI) for RESTful web
    services. When looking for a way to interact with RESTful services
    answers typically point to some horrible GUI or (on the complete
    opposite end of the spectrum) just using "curl" directly on the
    command-line. This tool attempts to find some sort of middle ground by
    providing a quasi-DSL for interacting with a RESTful service in an
    interactive way.

  Basic HTTP methods
    All HTTP methods are implemented as commands in presto. The URL that is
    given is appended to the endpoint specified when presto is invoked as
    shown in the SYNOPSIS above.

  Request Building
    If the endpoint contains a "*" character the URL fragment specified in
    the GET/POST/etc command is inserted at that point. This allows you to
    do things like auto-append a file extension to all URLs. For instance:

            bash$ presto*.json
  > GET /product/1

    In this case, the full URL would be
    "". If no "*" is found in the URL,
    the URL fragment is simply appended at the end of the endpoint.

    All arguments after the first will be treated as query parameters (for
    GET/HEAD/DELETE requests) or request content (for POST/PUT requests).
    For instance:

  > GET /products limit=10 offset=20
      # request goes to

  > POST /products '{"name":"A New Product"}'
      # request goes to with the body as specified

    You can also specify additional headers you would like included in the

            # the ":" is optional
  > header Accept: application/json

            # shortcut for "header Content-Type application/json"
  > type application/json

            # shortcut for "header Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
  > authorization Aladdin 'open sesame'

            # view all headers
  > headers

            # view specific header
  > header Authorization

            # clear all headers
  > headers --clear

            # unset specific header
  > header --unset Authorization

    If you are creating form URL-encoded data, a shortcut has been made to
    avoid having to manually URL-encode everything manually:

  > form foo=bar baz=1,2,3

            # outputs

  Response Handling
    By default, presto will just dump the response body to the screen after
    a request is completed. There are additional options, however:

            # dump full request/response to the screen (exactly as transmitted over the wire)
  > config verbose 1

            # parse the response according to the content-type and use
            # Data::Dumper to display it
  > config deserialize_response 1

            # use something other than Data::Dumper to dump a parsed
            # response body
  > config pretty_printer JSON
  > config pretty_printer Data::Dump

            # send the output to a file (the '>' must not be followed by any white-space!)
  > GET /some-image.png >some-image.png

    Pretty-printing can be especially helpful for making XML or JSON
    response bodies more human-readable.

    When "deserialize_response" is set, if the content-type of the response
    is "text/html", the HTML is automatically stripped with
    HTML::FormatText::WithLinks and displayed as formatted text.

    If the request or response body is binary (using a simple heuristic like
    the "-B" file-test operator), the output is not printed to STDOUT.
    Instead, you may want to use output redirection as show above and send
    the response body to a file.

  > GET /some-image.jpg >foo.jpg

  Persistent Configuration
    As demonstrated above, you can use the "config" command to change the
    behavior of presto. These configuration options are persisted in a
    config file specific to the endpoint provided at the command-line and
    will be reloaded the next time you invoke presto with the same endpoint.

    Current valid config keys are:

    *   verbose

        Boolean, when enabled, dumps request/response to STDOUT (defaults to

    *   deserialize_response

        Boolean, when enabled response body is parsed based on the
        "Content-Type" header (defaults to "1")

    *   pretty_printer

        Must be one of the supported modules (i.e. Data::Dumper or JSON).
        Use tab completion to see currently supported values (defaults to

    *   binmode

        Used to set encoding of STDIN and STDOUT handles (defaults to

    TODO: provide a means for aliasing endpoints so that configuration is
    shared across multiple endpoints.

  History and Scripting
    Just like configuration, command history is maintained separately for
    each endpoint specified on the command-line and is persisted across
    sessions (assuming you have a capable Term::Readline library installed).
    You can interrogate the history using the (surprisingly named) "history"
    command. It supports a small subset of the "bash" history command:

            # dump all history
  > history

            # dump last 5 entries
  > history 5

            # delete specific history entries
  > history -d 4

            # clear history
  > history -c

    Presto also provides a way of saving and replaying bits of your command
    history. Here are some examples:

            # save all history to script file "my-script"
  > save my-script

            # save the last 5 history entries
  > save my-script 5

            # save entries 3-7
  > save my-script 3..7

    To replay scripts:

  > source my-script

            # prompt before each command
  > source -i my-script

  Variable interpolation
    At times (especially when working with scripts) it might be handy to use
    elements from a previous response to affect a subsequent request.
    Anything inside a balanced "$(...)" will be interpolated for you. For
    instance, a very contrived example:

            # hypothetical authentication protocal that returns a token in the response headers
  > POST /auth.json username=jdoe&password=s3cr3t

            # see the authentication token
  > echo $(HEADER[X-Auth-Token])

    If you need to include that in subsequent request, you can use the
    "stash" feature:

            # store the value
  > stash auth-token $(HEADER[X-Auth-Token])

            # use the value later
  > header X-Auth-Token $(STASH[auth-token])

    Those variable substitutions can be used anywhere in a command. "HEADER"
    and "BODY" always refer to the most recent request while the "STASH" is
    a persisted for the life of the process.

    One useful feature for scripting is to prompt for user input. You can do
    this by using the "PROMPT" pseudo-variable. The first set of brackets
    specify the prompt value. The second (optional) set of brackets specify
    the initial value. An example:

            # collect the username/password from the user
  > stash username $(PROMPT[username:])
  > stash password $(PROMPT[password:])

            # use the stashed values
  > authorization $(STASH[username]) $(STASH[password])
  > GET /$(STASH[username])/profile

            # or use a value that was prompted for directly (without stashing it)
  > GET /products 'created_on=$(PROMPT[Created on (YYYY-MM-DD):])'

            # you can also specify initial values
  > GET /products 'status=$(PROMPT[Product status:][active])'

    You may also specify a local file to use as an argument to a command. An

  > POST /products $(FILE[my-product.xml])

    The file is assumed to be in the same encoding as the "binmode"
    configuration. If it is using a different character set, you can specify
    that in a second bracketed parameter:

  > POST /products $(FILE[my-product.xml][latin-1])

    The contents of the file will be slurped, decoded and included as an
    argument to the command as if you had typed it on the command-line

    TODO: Allow data structure references (from "STASH" or even "BODY") to
    be passed to a POST or PUT command which is then serialized based on the
    content-type of the request before being sent over the wire.

  (EXPERIMENTAL) Data::DPath integration
    As an add-on to the variable interpolated described above, you can use
    dpath expressions to further process the data returned from the REST
    service. Another very contrived example:

  > GET /products.json
            [{"id":"1","name":"My Product"},{"id":"2","name":"Another Product"}]

            # issue a request to /product/2.json
  > GET /product/$(BODY/id[-1]).json
            {"id":2,"name":"Another Product"}

    In this example, anything after "BODY" (including the "/") is passed to
    Data::DPath and the result is then injected in it's place (the target
    data for "BODY" being the previous request's response data).

    This feature will work on "$(STASH)" values as well.

    This is beta-quality code and while I use it in my own daily workflow,
    it is likely riddled with horribly obvious bugs and missing
    functionality (let alone undocumented features).

    Much of this was inspired by resty <>
    which is a rather magical (aka convoluted) set of bash functions (at
    least for this occassional bash programmer). After attempting to
    understand and enhance resty <>, I decided
    to try my hand at creating something a little more perlish.

    A big thank you to Shutterstock Images <> for
    allowing me to work on this on company time and release it to the CPAN.

    Brian Phillips <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Brian Phillips and Shutterstock
    Images (

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.