# NAME lib::root - find perl root and push lib modules path to @INC # VERSION version 0.03 # SYNOPSIS lib::root looks for a .libroot file on parent directories and pushes ./\*/lib to @INC. When a file does `use lib::root`, lib::root will try to read the file parent directories and look for a rootfile (default is .libroot) that is usually located inside a /some/dir/perl that contains many modules used by your app. Many apps have a /some/dir/perl/.perl-version file inside a perl directory, when that is the case, the app can piggy back on that filename and look for that file instead of .libroot with the example below: use lib::root rootfile => '.perl-version'; To use the defaults, create an empty file named .libroot and place it in your /app/dir/perl/.libroot use lib::root; ... or use another custom file to determine a libroot use lib::root; # rootfile defaults to .libroot use lib::root rootfile => '.perl-version'; ... or add a callback if needed use lib::root callback => sub { ... }; ... or look for a given file in approot and use a perl root dir to push to inc use lib::root rootfile => '.app-root', perldir => 'perl'; # WHY IS THIS USEFUL lib::root can be useful when your application perl modules are not installed globally. When your app uses lib::root, the lib::root will look for the .libroot file into parent directories relative to the file using it. For example, your app has the following structure: /dir/myapp/perl/MyApp-Thing/lib/... /dir/myapp/perl/MyApp-Another/lib/... /dir/myapp/perl/MyApp-Stuff/lib/... /dir/myapp/perl/.perl-version /dir/myapp/bin/some_script.pl /dir/myapp/bin/another_script.pl /dir/myapp/.app-root ... and the app needs to push all those perl/\*/lib to @INC. There are some ways to do that Add the directory to env PERLLIB or PERL5LIB PERLLIB=$PERLLIB:/dir/myapp/perl/MyApp-Thing/lib:/dir/myapp/perl/MyApp-Another/lib Or use -I perl -I/dir/myapp/perl/MyApp-Thing/lib -I/dir/myapp/perl/MyApp-Another/lib Or use a BEGIN block: BEGIN { push @INC, glob "/dir/myapp/perl/*/lib"; } Or use lib::root: use lib::root rootfile => '.perl_is_here'; lib::root can also be instructed to look in a cousin dir relative to `bin` in the structure above use lib::root perldir => '../perl'; Or use lib use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/../lib"; use lib "/home/user/MyApp/lib"; Or some other way ... ## USAGE For a project with the following strucutre: /dir/myapp/perl/MyApp-Thing/lib/MyApp/Thing.pm /dir/myapp/perl/MyApp-Another/lib/MyApp/Another.pm /dir/myapp/perl/MyApp-Stuff/lib/MyApp/Stuff.pm /dir/myapp/perl/.libroot /dir/myapp/perl/.perl-version /dir/myapp/bin/some_script.pl /dir/myapp/bin/another_script.pl /dir/myapp/.app-root ### EXAMPLE 1 - DEFAULT USAGE When using /dir/myapp/perl/MyApp-Thing/lib/MyApp/Thing.pm its possible to include perl/\*/lib to @INC by adding the following to Thing.pm use lib::root; The above will detect the location of Thing.pm and go recursively to parent directories and look for the default `.libroot` file. Given that the .libroot file exists under /dir/myapp/perl/.libroot (/dir/myapp/perl/) , lib::root will do: push @INC, glob "/dir/myapp/perl/\*/lib"; ### EXAMPLE 2 - CUSTOM lib::root FILE Some plenv projects have a `.perl-version` file sitting under the perl dir ie. /perl/.perl-version (see structure above). If thats the case, lib::root can piggy back on the .perl-version file with: use lib::root rootfile => '.perl-version'; ### EXAMPLE 3 - CALLING FROM SCRIPT OUTSIDE perl DIRECTORY If the project has `bin` directories like the structure above, and the file /dir/myapp/bin/some\_script.pl needs to use lib::root, the file is outside the `perl` dir. It will use the `.app-root` file with a custom perl `perldir` to push libs to @INC, ie: use lib::root rootfile => '.app-root', perldir => 'perl'; The lib::root call insite the script in `bin` will look for a directory that contains `.app-root` and then it will use the child directory `perl` (the perldir option) to push the modules to @INC; The same could be done to make the .pm files above also use the `.app-root` instead of the `.libroot`. Or, also, use `.libroot` with a custom `perldir`, ie: use lib::root perldir => 'perl'; use lib::root perldir => 'dir1/dir2/dir3/perl'; use lib::root perldir => '../perl'; ### EXAMPLE 4 - CALLBACKS If necessary, lib::root also accepts a callback as an option. The callback is executed after libs are pushed to @INC ie: use lib::root callback => sub { ... }; ## SEE ALSO Similar ideas have been implemented before in the modules below and possibly others - RepRoot [https://metacpan.org/pod/RepRoot](https://metacpan.org/pod/RepRoot) - lib::glob [https://metacpan.org/pod/lib::glob](https://metacpan.org/pod/lib::glob) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Hernan Lopes. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Hernan Lopes <hernan@smallcompany.net>