NAME Graphics::ColorNames::Crayola - the original 48 crayola crayon colors SYNOPSIS require Graphics::ColorNames::Crayola; $NameTable = Graphics::ColorNames::Crayola->NamesRgbTable(); $RgbBlack = $NameTable->{black}; DESCRIPTION A palette based on the original 48 crayola crayon colors. These colors are based on scanned images of crayon colors, so they may not correspond with their standard X colors of the same names. REVISION HISTORY Changes since the last release 1.01 20 Dec 2007 - removed duplicate names, requires Graphics::ColorNames 2.10 - fixed typos in Changes - more flexible Perl version requirements - updated documentation More details can be found in the Changes file. SEE ALSO Graphics::ColorNames AUTHOR Implemented as a plugin for Graphics::ColorNames by Robert Rothenberg <rrwo at>. This palette comes from Bill ? LICENSE This software is public domain. No copyright is claimed by the author for it. It is possible that Crayola Company ( may claim ownership of some vague intellectual-property-related turf for the crayons, their names, or colors, depending on how insecure or bored their lawyers are feeling at any moment.