Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ContributorsFromGit - Populate your 'CONTRIBUTORS'
    POD from the list of git authors


    This document describes version 0.015 of
    Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ContributorsFromGit - released January 18, 2015 as
    part of Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ContributorsFromGit.


        ; in your dist.ini
        ; in your weaver.ini


    This plugin makes it easy to acknowledge the contributions of others by
    populating a %PodWeaver stash with the unique list of all git commit
    authors reachable from the current HEAD.


    On collecting the unique list of reachable commit authors from git, we
    search and remove any git authors from the list of authors Dist::Zilla
    knows about. We then look for a stash named %PodWeaver; if we don't
    find one then we create an instance of Dist::Zilla::Stash::PodWeaver
    and register it with our zilla instance. Then we add the list of
    contributors (the filtered git authors list) to the stash in such a way
    that Pod::Weaver::Section::Contributors can find them.

    Note that you do not need to have the %PodWeaver stash created; it will
    be added if it is not found. However, your Pod::Weaver config (aka
    c<weaver.ini>) must include the Contributors section plugin.

 Dist::Zilla Phase

    This plugin runs during the BeforeBuild phase.

 Metadata Keys

    The list of contributors is also added to distribution metadata under
    the custom x_contributors key. (e.g. in META.yml, META.json, etc)

    If you have duplicate contributors because of differences in committer
    name or email you can use a .mailmap file to canonicalize contributor
    names and emails. See git help shortlog for details.

 Pod::Weaver::Section::Contributors is OPTIONAL

    Note that using the Pod::Weaver::Section::Contributors section is in no
    way mandated or necessitated by this package; if you wish to use it you
    must include the Contributors section in your Pod::Weaver configuration
    in the traditional fashion.


    MetaCPAN <> will attempt to match a contributor
    address back to a PAUSE account. However, it (currently) can only do
    that if the contributor's email address is their
    address. There are two mechanisms for helping to resolve this, if your
    commits are not using this address.

    Both of these approaches have pros and cons that have been discussed at
    levels nearing the heat brought to any discussion of religion,
    homosexuality, or Chief O'Brien's actual rank at any ST:TNG convention.
    However, they both have the advantage of *working*, and through
    different modes of action. You are free to use one, both or neither.
    These are only important if you're not committing with your
    email address and want the MetaCPAN to link to your author page from
    the page of the package you contributed to.

 Using a .mailmap file

    See git help shortlog for help on how to use this. A .mailmap file must
    be maintained in each repository using it.

 Globally, via the authors mapping

    This package contains a YAML file containing a mapping of
    author addresses; this list is consulted while building the
    contributors list, and can be used to replace a address
    with one.

    To add to or modify this mapping, please feel free to fork, add your
    alternate email addresses to share/author-emails.yaml, and submit a
    pull-request for inclusion. It'll be merged and released; as various
    authors update their set of installed modules and cut new releases, the
    mapping will appear.


    Please see those modules/websites for more information related to this

      * Pod::Weaver::Section::Contributors

      * Dist::Zilla::Stash::PodWeaver



    The development version is on github at
    t and may be cloned from


    Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

    When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
    to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


    Chris Weyl <>

 I'm a material boy in a material world

    Please note I do not expect to be gittip'ed or flattr'ed for this work,
    rather it is simply a very pleasant surprise. I largely create and
    release works like this because I need them or I find it enjoyable;
    however, don't let that stop you if you feel like it ;)

    Flattr this
    0Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ContributorsFromGit%20in%20the%20CPAN%22>, gittip me
    <>, or indulge my Amazon Wishlist
    <>... If you so desire.


      * Brendan Byrd <>

      * David Golden <>

      * Graham Knop <>

      * Mike Greb <>

      * Randy Stauner <>

      * Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>

      * Yanick Champoux <>


    This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Chris Weyl.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999