GitHub::Authorization - Generate a GitHub OAuth2 non-web authorization

    This document describes version 0.001 of GitHub::Authorization -
    released March 16, 2013 as part of GitHub-Authorization.

        use GitHub::Authorization;

        my $token_info = get_gh_token(
            user     => 'RsrchBoy',
            password => '*****',
            scopes   => ['repo'],
            note     => 'test!',
        my $token      = $token_info->{token};

        # e.g.
        use Net::GitHub;
        my $gh = Net::GitHub->new(access_token => $token, ...);

        # ... or ...
        use Pithub;
        my $ph = Pithub->new(token => $token, ...);

    There are a number of good packages on the CPAN to handle working with
    the GitHub API <>, but none that provide a
    (relatively) lightweight, straight-forward way to generate OAuth2

    This package implements the procedure described in GitHub Developer's
    Guide "Non-Web Application Flow"
    <> to
    create authorization tokens; that is, authorization tokens that can be
    stored, managed, reused and revoked without needing to store (or
    otherwise acquire) a user password.

    We do not export anything by default; Sub::Exporter::Progressive is used
    here so you can either use plain-old Exporter or fancy-new Sub::Exporter
    syntax; whatever you desire or require.

    This package uses and returns OAuth2 authorization tokens, and uses V3
    of the GitHub API.

  Legal Scopes
    The formal list of supported scopes can be found at the GitHub OAuth API
    reference <> (note this list
    is taken almost verbatim from that page). If a scope appears there but
    not here, please file an issue against this package (as the author has
    likely not noticed it yet).

    *   (no scopes given)

        public read-only access (includes public user profile info, public
        repo info, and gists).

    *   user

        Read/write access to profile info only. Note: this scope includes
        "user:email" and "user:follow".

    *   user:email

        Read access to a user’s email addresses.

    *   user:follow

        Access to follow or unfollow other users.

    *   public_repo

        Read/write access to public repos and organizations.

    *   repo

        Read/write access to public and private repos and organizations.

    *   repo:status

        Read/write access to public and private repository commit statuses.
        This scope is only necessary to grant other users or services access
        to private repository commit statuses without granting access to the
        code. The "repo" and "public_repo" scopes already include access to
        commit status for private and public repositories respectively.

    *   delete_repo

        Delete access to adminable repositories.

    *   notifications

        Read access to a user’s notifications. repo is accepted too.

    *   gist

        Write access to gists.

  get_gh_token(user => Str, password => Str, ...)
    NOTE: Validate your parameters! We do basic validation, but nothing

    We take 2 mandatory parameters (user and password), and can take several
    more optional ones:

    *   user (required)

        The user-name or email of the user the authorization is being
        created against.

    *   password (required)

        The user's password.

    *   scopes

        An ArrayRef of scopes (described "Legal Scopes").

    *   note

        A short note (or reminder) describing what the authorization is for.

    *   note_url

        A link that describes why the authorization has been generated We
        throw an exception on error or failure, and return the structure
        describing the new authorization token (and the token itself, as
        described below) on success.

    *   client_id (required if client_secret is given)

        If requesting an authorization for a specific app, pass its client
        key here.

    *   client_secret (required if client_id is given)

        If requesting an authorization for a specific app, pass its client
        secret here.

   On success...
    A successful return from get_gh_token() will look something like this:

            app => {
                name => "test! (API)",
                url  => "",
            created_at => "2012-12-24T14:28:17Z",
            id         => xxxxxxx, # an integer > 0
            note       => "test!",
            note_url   => undef,
            scopes     => ["public_repo"],
            token      => "****************************************",
            updated_at => "2012-12-24T14:28:17Z",
            url        => "",

    The "token" slot is probably the bit you want.

   On failure/error...
    On failure, we confess() our sins:

        Failed: 401/Unauthorized / Bad credentials ...

    That is, we "confess" in Carp with the status code, status message, and
    the message returned from GitHub itself.

    Returns a list of legal scope names. (See get_gh_token() doc for the

    Returns true if the scope name given is a legal scope.

    All of a user's GitHub authorization tokens can be viewed and revoked on
    their GitHub Applications <>
    account page.

    Users may revoke tokens at any time through GitHub proper.

    We instruct our user-agent (HTTP::Tiny in this case) to validate the
    remote server's certificate, as described in "SSL-SUPPORT" in
    HTTP::Tiny. (Essentially, using Mozilla::CA).

    While this satisfies the "let's be cautious" alarms in the author's
    head, this may be too paranoid or not paranoid enough for you. If so,
    please file an issue or pull request and we'll work something out.

    This package currently has no capabilities for deleting, altering, or
    otherwise doing anything with tokens outside of creating them.

    Please see those modules/websites for more information related to this

    *   The GitHub OAuth API reference

    *   Net::GitHub

    *   Pithub

    The development version is on github at
    <> and may be cloned from

    Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

    When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
    to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.

    Chris Weyl <>

    This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Chris Weyl.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999