NAME Pod::Weaver::Role::Section::Formattable - Role for a formattable section VERSION This document describes version 0.001 of Pod::Weaver::Role::Section::Formattable - released July 12, 2015 as part of Pod-Weaver-Role-Section-Formattable. OVERVIEW This role is consumed by sections that operate through the mechanism of String::Formatter, namely that they take a format and input data, and generate a top-level section from that. REQUIRED METHODS default_section_name Generate our default section name. This is a builder method for the section_name attribute. default_format The default string to use as the format, when one has not been specified in the configuration. This is a builder method for the format attribute. ATTRIBUTES formatter This lazily-built attribute holds our formatter. section_name This attribute holds the section name a consuming plugin will use. format The string to use when generating the version string. METHODS codes This method returns a hashref of codes suitable to building a String::Formatter with. For our list of codes, see OVERVIEW, below. Sections consuming this role should consider creating a additional_codes method, as codes returned by that method will be merged in with our default codes. additional_codes should return a list, not a hashref. Of course, the choice is yours. format_section $input Return the text representing the formatted section. This method is called with the $input taken from weave_section. build_content($document, $input) This method is passed the same $document and $input that the weave_section method is called with, and should return a list of pod elements to insert. In almost all cases, this method is used internally, but could be usefully overridden in a subclass. weave_section Build our section. CODES We provide the following codes: * %v - distribution version * %d - distribution name * %p - package name * %{mm} - "main module" name * %{tf} - "trial flag", e.g. "-TRIAL" if trial, an empty string if not * %t - a tab * %n - a newline BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. AUTHOR Chris Weyl <> I'm a material boy in a material world Please note I do not expect to be gittip'ed or flattr'ed for this work, rather it is simply a very pleasant surprise. I largely create and release works like this because I need them or I find it enjoyable; however, don't let that stop you if you feel like it ;) Flattr <'s%20CPAN%20Pod-Weaver-Role-Section-Formattable&tags=%22RsrchBoy's%20Pod-Weaver-Role-Section-Formattable%20in%20the%20CPAN%22>, Gratipay <>, or indulge my Amazon Wishlist <>... If and *only* if you so desire. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Chris Weyl. This is free software, licensed under: The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999