TweetButton which is described on twitter page
is now available for Mojolicious. After simply loading a plugin you get an html
helper that inserts TweetButton using various setup arguments.

    $self->plugin('tweet_button' => {via => 'vtivti'});

    plugin 'tweet_button';
    plugin 'tweet_button' => {via => 'vtivti'};


All the arguments can be set globally (when loading a plugin) or locally (in the

* count

    <%= tweet_button count => 'horizontal' %>

Location of the tweet count box (can be "vertical", "horizontal" or "none";
"vertical" by default).

* url

    <%= tweet_button url => '' %>

The URL you are sharing (HTTP Referrer by default).

* text

    <%= tweet_button url => 'Wow!' %>

The text that will appear in the tweet (Content of the <title> tag by default).

* via

    <%= tweet_button via => 'vtivti' %>

The author of the tweet (no default).

* related

    <%= tweet_button related => 'kraih:A robot' %>

Related twitter accounts (no default).

* lang

    <%= tweet_button lang => 'fr' %>

The language of the tweet (no default).


    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

Copyright And License

Copyright (C) 2010, Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.