BS2/LMS version 0.08

This module is a Perl extension to access BS2000 libraries using the
LMS API (Library Management System, Subroutine Interface).  It is only
useful for the BS2000 port of Perl.  Probably it won't compile on
other platforms!

This versions supports:

- connecting to a BS2000 library
- getting the table of contents
- adding and extracting elements

See the perl documation of the module for further details.


To install this module read the DEPENDENCIES section and type the
following (throughout this README we assume you build a new static
Perl version for this):

   export BLSLIBnn=$TSOS.SYSLNK.LMS.mmm
   perl Makefile.PL
   make perl
   make test
   make install

If you want to test the module under native BS2000, first you have to
copy the new perl interpreter and the test script:

   bs2cp -f ./perl 'bs2:perl(perl,l)'
   bs2cp -f t/LMS.t bs2:LMS.T

The you can test it with the following:

   -I<Posix-path-to-the-module> LMS.T

After installation, you can omit the include path in this example.
You may also enter the path to the test script on the Posix
filesystem here.


This module requires the BS2000 LMS API header lms.h.  If it isn't
already installed in your Posix environment, copy it with:

bs2cp 'bs2:$TSOS.SYSLIB.LMS.<your-version-number>(LMS.H,S)' /usr/include/lms.h

In order to link the new static perl interpreter, the linker has to
find the dynamic native BS2000 LMS library.  This is done by setting a
environment variable BLSLIBnn where nn is the first unused number
between 00 and 99, e.g. if you don't use any dynamic BS2000 libraries
yet you would type (in your shell):

export BLSLIB00

or simply

export BLSLIB00=$TSOS.SYSLNK.LMS.<your-version-number>


Only a few functions of the LMS library are implemented yet.  As my
company phases out BS2000 in 2008 this will probably the last version.
If someone still uses BS2000 and likes to take over support just
contact me via PAUSE.


Copyright (C) 2003,2007 Thomas Dorner (dorner (AT)

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.