WebService::LogicMonitor - Interact with LogicMonitor's API


version 0.153170


    use v5.16;
    use warnings;
    use Try::Tiny;
    use WebService::LogicMonitor;

    # find a hostgroup by name, iterate through its child groups
    # and check the status of a datasource instance

    my $lm = WebService::LogicMonitor->new(
        username => $ENV{LOGICMONITOR_USER},
        password => $ENV{LOGICMONITOR_PASS},
        company  => $ENV{LOGICMONITOR_COMPANY},

    my $top_group_name = shift || die "What group?\n";
    my $datasource     = shift || 'Ping';

    sub recurse_group {
        my $group = shift;
        foreach my $entity (@{$group->children}) {
            if ($entity->is_group) {
                say 'GROUP: ' . $entity->name;
            } elsif ($entity->is_host) {
                say '  HOST: ' . $entity->host_name;
                my $instances = try {
                } catch {
                    say "Failed to retrieve data source instances: " . $_;

                next unless $instances;
                # assume only one instance
                my $instance = shift @$instances;
                say '    datasource status: '
                  . ($instance->enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled');
                say '    alert status: '
                  . ($instance->alert_enable ? 'enabled' : 'disabled');


    my $groups = $lm->get_groups(name => $top_group_name);
    recurse_group(shift @$groups);


LogicMonitor is a SaaS infrastructure monitoring provider. They provide an RPC
API which provides most of functionality of their web GUI (with the unfortunate
omission of managing DataSources).

They have recently started a REST API which covers a different set of functionality.

This module puts an OO wrapper around the RPC API in what is a hopefully a much
more convenient and user-friendly manner.

**HOWEVER** the API provided by this module is not considered stable and will
almost certainly have some changes before version 1.0.


## `company`, `username`, `password`

The CUP authentication details for your LogicMonitor account. See


## `get_escalation_chains`

Returns an arrayref of all available escalation chains.


## `get_escalation_chain_by_name(Str $name)`

Convenience wrapper aroung ["get\_escalation\_chains"](#get_escalation_chains) which only returns chains
where a `name eq $name`.

## `get_accounts`

Retrieves a complete list of accounts as an arrayref.


## `get_account_by_email(Str $email)`

Convenience wrapper aroung ["get\_accounts"](#get_accounts) which only returns accounts
matching $email.

## `get_account_by_username(Str $username)`

Convenience wrapper aroung ["get\_accounts"](#get_accounts) which only returns accounts
matching `$username`.

## `get_data`

## `get_alerts(...)`

Returns an arrayref of alerts or undef if none found.

See [http://help.logicmonitor.com/developers-guide/manage-alerts/](http://help.logicmonitor.com/developers-guide/manage-alerts/) for
what parameters are available to filter the alerts.

## `add_host`

Creates and returns a new host. Shortcut for [WebService::LogicMonitor::Host](https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService::LogicMonitor::Host)
`new` and `create`

## `delete_host(Str displayname)`

Deletes a host identified by its displayname. Convenience wrapper around
["get\_host" in WebService::LogicMonitor](https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService::LogicMonitor#get_host) and ["delete" in WebService::LogicMonitor::Host](https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService::LogicMonitor::Host#delete).

## `get_host(Str displayname)`

Return a host.


## `get_hosts(Int hostgroupid)`

Return an array of hosts in the group specified by `group_id`


In scalar context, will return an arrayref of hosts in the group.

In array context, will return the same arrayref plus a hashref of the group.

## `get_all_hosts`

Convenience wrapper around ["get\_hosts"](#get_hosts) which returns all hosts. **BEWARE** This will
probably take a while.

## `get_groups(Str|Regexp filter?)`

Returns an arrayref of all host groups.


Optionally takes a string or regexp as an argument. Only those hostgroups with names
matching the argument will be returned, or undef if there are none. If the arg is a string,
it must be an exact match with `eq`.

## `get_sdts(Str key?, Int id?)`

Returns an array of SDT hashes. With no args, it will return all SDTs in the
account. See the LoMo docs for details on what keys are supported.


## `set_sdt(Str entity, Int|Str id, start =` DateTime|Str, end => DateTime|Str, comment => Str?)>

Sets SDT for an entity. Entity can be


The id for Host can be either an id number or hostname string.

To simplify calling this we take two keys, `start` and `end` which must
be either [DateTime](https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime) objects or ISO8601 strings parseable by


        Host    => 'somehost',
        start   => '20151101T1000',
        end     => '20151101T1350',
        comment => 'Important maintenance',

## `set_quick_sdt(Str entity, Int|Str id, $hours, ...)`

Wrapper around ["set\_sdt"](#set_sdt) to quickly set SDT starting immediately. The lenght
of the SDT can be specfied as hours, minutes or any other unit supported by
[https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime#Adding-a-Duration-to-a-Datetime](https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime#Adding-a-Duration-to-a-Datetime), but only
one unit can be specified.

    $lomo->set_quick_sdt(Host => 'somehost', minutes => 30, comment => 'Reboot to annoy support');
    $lomo->set_quick_sdt(HostGroup => 456, hours => 6);




Ioan Rogers <ioan.rogers@sophos.com>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Sophos Ltd.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.