AI::DecisionTree - Automatically Learns Decision Trees

      use AI::DecisionTree;
      my $dtree = new AI::DecisionTree;
      # A set of training data for deciding whether to play tennis
        (attributes => {outlook     => 'sunny',
                        temperature => 'hot',
                        humidity    => 'high'},
         result => 'no');
        (attributes => {outlook     => 'overcast',
                        temperature => 'hot',
                        humidity    => 'normal'},
         result => 'yes');

      ... repeat for several more instances, then:
      # Find results for unseen instances
      my $result = $dtree->get_result
        (attributes => {outlook     => 'sunny',
                        temperature => 'hot',
                        humidity    => 'normal'});

    The "AI::DecisionTree" module automatically creates so-called "decision
    trees" to explain a set of training data. A decision tree is a kind of
    categorizer that use a flowchart-like process for categorizing new
    instances. For instance, a learned decision tree might look like the
    following, which classifies for the concept "play tennis":

                       /  |  \
                      /   |   \
                     /    |    \
               sunny/  overcast \rainy
                   /      |      \
              HUMIDITY    |       WIND
              /  \       *no*     /  \
             /    \              /    \
        high/      \normal      /      \
           /        \    strong/        \weak
         *no*      *yes*      /          \
                            *no*        *yes*

    (This example, and the inspiration for the "AI::DecisionTree" module, come
    directly from Tom Mitchell's excellent book "Machine Learning", available
    from McGraw Hill.)

    A decision tree like this one can be learned from training data, and then
    applied to previously unseen data to obtain results that are consistent with
    the training data.

    The usual goal of a decision tree is to somehow encapsulate the training
    data in the smallest possible tree. This is motivated by an "Occam's Razor"
    philosophy, in which the simplest possible explanation for a set of
    phenomena should be preferred over other explanations. Also, small trees
    will make decisions faster than large trees, and they are much easier for a
    human to look at and understand. One of the biggest reasons for using a
    decision tree instead of many other machine learning techniques is that a
    decision tree is a much more scrutable decision maker than, say, a neural

    The current implementation of this module uses an extremely simple method
    for creating the decision tree based on the training instances. It uses an
    Information Gain metric (based on expected reduction in entropy) to select
    the "most informative" attribute at each node in the tree. This is
    essentially the ID3 algorithm, developed by J. R. Quinlan in 1986. The idea
    is that the attribute with the highest Information Gain will (probably) be
    the best attribute to split the tree on at each point if we're interested in
    making small trees.

  Building and Querying the Tree

        Creates a new decision tree object and returns it. Accepts the following

            Controls the behavior of the "train()" method when "noisy" data is
            encountered. Here "noisy" means that two or more training instances
            contradict each other, such that they have identical attributes but
            different results.

            If "noise_mode" is set to "fatal" (the default), the "train()"
            method will throw an exception (die). If "noise_mode" is set to
            "pick_best", the most frequent result at each noisy node will be

            A boolean "prune" parameter which specifies whether the tree should
            be pruned after training. This is usually a good idea, so the
            default is to prune. Currently we prune using a simple
            minimum-description-length criterion.

            If set to a true value, some status information will be output while
            training a decision tree. Default is false.

            If set to a true value, the "do_purge()" method will be invoked
            during "train()". The default is true.

            Controls the maximum depth of the tree that will be created during
            "train()". The default is 0, which means that trees of unlimited
            depth can be constructed.

    add_instance(attributes => \%hash, result => $string, name => $string)
        Adds a training instance to the set of instances which will be used to
        form the tree. An "attributes" parameter specifies a hash of
        attribute-value pairs for the instance, and a "result" parameter
        specifies the result.

        An optional "name" parameter lets you give a unique name to each
        training instance. This can be used in coordination with the
        "set_results()" method below.

        Builds the decision tree from the list of training instances. If a
        numeric "max_depth" parameter is supplied, the maximum tree depth can be
        controlled (see also the "new()" method).

    get_result(attributes => \%hash)
        Returns the most likely result (from the set of all results given to
        "add_instance()") for the set of attribute values given. An "attributes"
        parameter specifies a hash of attribute-value pairs for the instance. If
        the decision tree doesn't have enough information to find a result, it
        will return "undef".

        Purges training instances and their associated information from the
        DecisionTree object. This can save memory after training, and since the
        training instances are implemented as C structs, this turns the
        DecisionTree object into a pure-perl data structure that can be more
        easily saved with "", for instance.

        Returns true or false depending on the value of the tree's "purge"
        property. An optional boolean argument sets the property.

    copy_instances(from => $other_tree)
        Allows two trees to share the same set of training instances. More
        commonly, this lets you train one tree, then re-use its instances in
        another tree (possibly changing the instance "result" values using
        "set_results()"), which is much faster than re-populating the second
        tree's instances from scratch.

        Given a hash that relates instance names to instance result values,
        change the result values as specified.

  Tree Introspection

        Returns a reference to an array of the training instances used to build
        this tree.

        Returns the number of nodes in the trained decision tree.

        Returns the depth of the tree. This is the maximum number of decisions
        that would need to be made to classify an unseen instance, i.e. the
        length of the longest path from the tree's root to a leaf. A tree with a
        single node would have a depth of zero.

        Returns a data structure representing the decision tree. For instance,
        for the tree diagram above, the following data structure is returned:

         [ 'outlook', {
             'rain' => [ 'wind', {
                 'strong' => 'no',
                 'weak' => 'yes',
             } ],
             'sunny' => [ 'humidity', {
                 'normal' => 'yes',
                 'high' => 'no',
             } ],
             'overcast' => 'yes',
         } ]

        This is slightly remniscent of how XML::Parser returns the parsed XML

        Note that while the ordering in the hashes is unpredictable, the nesting
        is in the order in which the criteria will be checked at decision-making

        Returns a list of strings that describe the tree in rule-form. For
        instance, for the tree diagram above, the following list would be
        returned (though not necessarily in this order - the order is

          if outlook='rain' and wind='strong' -> 'no'
          if outlook='rain' and wind='weak' -> 'yes'
          if outlook='sunny' and humidity='normal' -> 'yes'
          if outlook='sunny' and humidity='high' -> 'no'
          if outlook='overcast' -> 'yes'

        This can be helpful for scrutinizing the structure of a tree.

        Note that while the order of the rules is unpredictable, the order of
        criteria within each rule reflects the order in which the criteria will
        be checked at decision-making time.

        Returns a "GraphViz" object representing the tree. Requires that the
        GraphViz module is already installed, of course. The object returned
        will allow you to create PNGs, GIFs, image maps, or whatever graphical
        representation of your tree you might want. Any arguments given to
        "as_graphviz()" will be passed on to GraphViz's "new()" method.

        See the the GraphViz manpage docs for more info.

    A few limitations exist in the current version. All of them could be removed
    in future versions - especially with your help. =)

    No continuous attributes
        In the current implementation, only discrete-valued attributes are
        supported. This means that an attribute like "temperature" can have
        values like "cool", "medium", and "hot", but using actual temperatures
        like 87 or 62.3 is not going to work. This is because the values would
        split the data too finely - the tree-building process would probably
        think that it could make all its decisions based on the exact
        temperature value alone, ignoring all other attributes, because each
        temperature would have only been seen once in the training data.

        The usual way to deal with this problem is for the tree-building process
        to figure out how to place the continuous attribute values into a set of
        bins (like "cool", "medium", and "hot") and then build the tree based on
        these bin values. Future versions of "AI::DecisionTree" may provide
        support for this. For now, you have to do it yourself.

    All the stuff in the LIMITATIONS section. Also, revisit the pruning
    algorithm to see how it can be improved.

    Ken Williams,

    Mitchell, Tom (1997). Machine Learning. McGraw-Hill. pp 52-80.

    Quinlan, J. R. (1986). Induction of decision trees. Machine Learning, 1(1),
    pp 81-106.

    the perl manpage, the GraphViz manpage