Crypt::Skip32::Base64URLSafe - Create URL-safe encodings of 32-bit

      use Crypt::Skip32::Base64URLSafe
      my $key    = pack( 'H20', "112233445566778899AA" ); # Always 10 bytes!
      my $cipher = Crypt::Skip32::Base64URLSafe->new($key);
      my $b64    = $cipher->encrypt_number_b64_urlsafe(3493209676); # baJxAA
      my $number = $cipher->decrypt_number_b64_urlsafe('baJxAA'); # 493209676

    This module melds together Crypt::Skip32 and MIME::Base64::URLSafe.

    Crypt::Skip32 is a 80-bit key, 32-bit block cipher based on Skipjack.
    One example where Crypt::Skip32 has been useful: You have numeric
    database record ids which increment sequentially. You would like to use
    them in URLs, but you don't want to make it obvious how many X's you
    have in the database by putting the ids directly in the URLs.

    MIME::Base64::URLSafe creates a URL-safe Base64 version of a string.

    Putting the two together lets you have numeric database records ids
    which you can use safely in URLs without letting users see how many
    records you have or letting them jump forward or backwards between

    You should pick a different key to the one in the synopsis. It should be
    10 bytes.

    Leon Brocard <>.