Getopt::O2 - Command line argument processing and automated help
    generation, object oriented

      package MyPackage;
      use base 'Getopt::O2';

      # return a short descriptive string about the program (appears in --help)
      sub getProgramDescription
              'A sample program'

      # return rules about parameters
      sub getOptionRules
                  'length=i' => ['A numeric argument', 'default' => 33],
                  'file=s'   => ['A text argument'],
                  'quiet'    => ['A "flag" argument'];

      # read options
      new MyPackage->getopt(\%options);

    The "Getopt::O2" module implements an extended "Getopt" class which
    parses the command line from @ARGV, recognizing and removing specified
    options and their possible values.

    This function adheres to the POSIX syntax for command line options, with
    GNU extensions. In general, this means that options have long names
    instead of single letters, and are introduced with a double dash "--".
    Support for bundling of command line options, as was the case with the
    more traditional single-letter approach, is provided.

        Processes command line options and stores their values in the hash
        reference passed as its argument.

        Returns a list of rules of command line options. The base package
        provides two options "--help" and "--verbose" by default. The former
        calls "usage()"; the latter is an *incremental option*. See "Writing
        Rules" for what your implementation should return.

        Returns a short descriptive string about the program's
        functionality. This string is used as a caption of the generated
        program usage text.

    *PACKAGE*->usage(*CODE [, MESSAGE [, LIST ] ]*)
        Display program usage summary and exit with status "CODE". Without
        any further arguments it will show the program's description text.
        If given, "MESSAGE" will be treated as an "sprintf()"-like formatter
        string followed by its arguments and prefixed with "Error: ".

    *PACKAGE*->error(*MESSAGE [, LIST ]*)
        This method is called internally when processing or validation of
        options failed and does nothing but passing its arguments to
        "usage()" (along with an exit code of 1). Override this method if
        you require other methods of error handling.

  Writing Rules
    Command line options are processed using rules returned the
    "getOptionsRules()" implementation. Rules are expressed much like with
    Getopt::Long. A rule expression is followed by the rule's help string
    and possible options.

    The options must be represented as either a string (used as help string)
    or an ARRAYREF. The first element of the latter is used as the options'
    help string. Its second element can be a CODEREF which is called when
    the option was seen. The rest are key-value-pairs that are coerced to a
    hash. A single "undef" can be used to separate option categories (used
    in "usage()").

          # Short variant. Define flag and its help string
          'q|quiet' => 'Suppresses informational program output'

          # Actual implementation of "--help" parameter
          'h|help' => ['Display this help message', sub {

          # Use callback return value as option value
          'l|limit=i' => ['Limit amount of things', sub {
              my ($arg, $key) = @_;
              $arg = 100 if $arg > 100;
              return $arg; # make sure --limit is not larger than 100

          # Enumeration with allowed values
          'o|output=?' => ['Use ARG as output format', 'values' => [qw(xml html json)]]

  Rule syntax
        Defines a *negatable option*. The value of it will be a "boolean" in
        the resulting options hash reference depending on whether
        "--warnings" or "--no-warnings" was seen on the command line.
        There's no short negatable option.

        Defines an *incremental option*. Depending on how often it's seen on
        the command line, the option's value will increase in the resulting

        Defines a *flag option*. The flag will be set in the resulting
        hashref if this option was seen on the command line.

        Defines an *option with a mandatory value*. The character after the
        "=" sign determines the expected value: "s" is a generic string, "i"
        is a numeric value (it uses Perl's looks_like_number) and "?" is an
        enumeration. If the type specifier is suffixed with a "@", the
        resulting value will be an ARRAYREF with all values.

        Enumerations must provide a "values" option which must be an
        ARRAYREF of valid values for the option. They may use the
        "keep_unique" option which defaults to being set in order to control
        whether the resulting list contains unique values or all given

    None special. Uses core perl libraries.

    Oliver Schieche <>

    $Id: 888 2019-09-01 20:36:34Z schieche $

    Copyright 2013-2019 Oliver Schieche.

    This software is a free library. You can modify and/or distribute it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.