#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # -*- perl -*- # # $Id: pingomatic,v 1.13 2006/05/02 21:20:10 eserte Exp $ # Author: Slaven Rezic # # Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # # Mail: slaven@rezic.de # WWW: http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/srezic # use Event; use IO::Pipe; use Getopt::Long; use Term::ReadKey; use Term::ReadLine; use Sys::Hostname; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @nameserver %pipe); $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%03d", q$Revision: 1.13 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/); { package IO::Pipe::End; sub pid { my $me = shift; ${*$me}{'io_pipe_pid'}; } } ###################################################################### { package PingDef; use constant MAXTIME => 20000; use vars qw(%try_later); sub new { my $self = { @_[1..$#_] }; $self->{Val} = []; bless $self, $_[0]; } sub host { $_[0]->{Host} } sub type { $_[0]->{Type} } sub active { !$_[0]->{Canceled} } sub time { my($self, $n, $as_string) = @_; my $timesum = 0; my $count = 0; my $start = $#{$self->{Val}}-$n+1; $start = 0 if ($start < 0) ; for(my $i=$start; $i<=$#{$self->{Val}}; $i++) { $timesum+=$self->{Val}[$i]{Time}; $count++; } my $time = ($count ? $timesum/$count : undef); if ($as_string && !defined $time) { "?" } elsif ($as_string && $time == MAXTIME) { "unreach." } else { $time; } } sub add { my($self, $line) = @_; if ($line =~ /icmp_seq=([\d.]+).*time=([\d.]+)/) { my($seq, $time) = ($1, $2); ## noch nicht korrekt... # my $last_line = $self->{Val}[$#{$self->{Val}}]; # if (defined $last_line && defined $last_line->{Seq}) { # foreach ($last_line->{Seq} .. $seq-1) { # verlorene Pakete # push @{ $self->{Val} }, {Time => MAXTIME}; # } # } push @{ $self->{Val} }, {Seq => $seq, Time => $time}; $self->{Canceled} = 0; } elsif ($line =~ /ret=-1/) { push @{ $self->{Val} }, {Time => MAXTIME}; #XXX $self->{Canceled} = 1; } else { warn "Can't parse $line"; } shift @{ $self->{Val} } if (@{ $self->{Val} } > 10); } sub addempty { my($self) = @_; push @{ $self->{Val} }, {Time => MAXTIME}; #XXX shift @{ $self->{Val} } if (@{ $self->{Val} } > 10); } sub canceled { my $self = shift; my $watcher = shift; $self->addempty; $self->{Canceled} = 1; $try_later{$self->{Host}} = $self; $self->{Watcher} = $watcher; } } # package ###################################################################### # hostgroups sub hostgroup_cpan { qw(ftp.gmd.de ftp.gwdg.de ftp.leo.org ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de ftp.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de ftp.uni-erlangen.de ftp.uni-hamburg.de ftp.digital.com ftp.cdrom.com www.perl.org www.cpan.org ); } sub hostgroup_freebsd { qw(ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de ftp.freebsd.org ftp.freebsd.de ftp2.freebsd.org ftp3.freebsd.org ); } sub hostgroup_linux { qw(www.linux.org www.rpmfind.net www.redhat.com www.suse.de www.mandrake.com); } sub hostgroup_search { qw(www.altavista.com www.altavista.de www.yahoo.com www.infoseek.com www.hotbot.com www.lycos.com www.lycos.de www.dejanews.com search.opentext.com home.netscape.com webcrawler.com netguide.de www.web.de www.fireball.de www.hurra.de suchen.com mserv.rrzn.uni-hannover.de ); } sub hostgroup_default { (qw(www.altavista.com www.google.com www.perl.com www.linux.org ftp.perl.org), ['www.sourceforge.net', 'http'], ['www.netscape.com', 'http'], ['www.microsoft.com', 'http'], ['www.freebsd.org', 'http'], ['www.cpan.org', 'http'], ['www.yahoo.com', 'http'], ['www.amazon.com', 'http'], ['www.gnu.org', 'http'], ['ftp.funet.fi', 'http'], ['www.slashdot.org', 'http'], ['www.heise.de', 'http'], ); } *hostgroup_normal = *hostgroup_normal = \&hostgroup_default; ###################################################################### # main my $hostgroup = "normal"; my @addhost; my $do_ns = 1; my $hostfile; my $debug; my $update = 1; my $log; my $logfh; if (!GetOptions("hosts|hostgroup=s" => \$hostgroup, "hostfile=s" => \$hostfile, "host=s@" => \@addhost, "ns|nameserver!" => \$do_ns, "d|debug!" => \$debug, "update|interval=i" => \$update, "log|logfile=s" => \$log, )) { require Pod::Usage; Pod::Usage::pod2usage(1); } my @hosts; if (defined $hostfile && -r $hostfile) { open(H, $hostfile) or die "Can't open $hostfile"; @hosts = read_pingomatic_hosts(\*H); close H; } elsif ($hostgroup eq 'empty') { @hosts = (); } elsif ($hostgroup ne 'normal') { no strict 'refs'; @hosts = &{"hostgroup_" . lc($hostgroup)}; } elsif (open(H, "$ENV{HOME}/.pingomatic.hosts")) { @hosts = read_pingomatic_hosts(\*H); close H; } else { @hosts = hostgroup_default(); } push @hosts, map { pingomatic_host($_) } @addhost; push @hosts, map { pingomatic_host($_) } @ARGV if @ARGV; if ($do_ns) { get_nameserver(); push @hosts, map { [ $_, "name" ] } @nameserver; } my $term = new Term::ReadLine 'pingomatic'; my %pingdefs; if ($debug) { open(STDERR, ">/tmp/pingomatic.debug"); } else { require File::Spec; open(STDERR, ">" . File::Spec->devnull); } my $clearchr; if (eval { require Term::Cap }) { my $terminal = Tgetent Term::Cap { TERM => undef, OSPEED => 9600 }; $clearchr = $terminal->Tputs("cl"); } if ($clearchr eq '') { # XXX MSWin32: use cls instead? $clearchr = `clear`; } foreach my $host (@hosts) { new_ping($host); } if ($log) { my $log_exists = -e $log; open $logfh, ">>$log" or die "Can't append to $log: $!"; # XXX STDERR is redirected already my $oldfh = select($logfh); $| = 1; select($oldfh); print_log_header() if not $log_exists; } show_ping_stat(); # start timers... my $update_w = Event->timer(desc => "update", interval => $update, cb => \&show_ping_stat, ); Event->timer( interval => 20, cb => \&try_later, ); Event->io( fd => \*STDIN, poll => 'r', cb => \&handle_key, repeat => 1, ); ReadMode 3; Event::loop(); sub print_log_header { print $logfh join("\t", "Time", map { $pingdefs{$_}->host } sort keys %pingdefs) . "\n"; } sub get_ping_line { my $e = shift; my $got = $e->got; my $fd = $e->w->fd; my $host_type = $e->w->desc; my $pingdef = $pingdefs{$host_type}; if ($got eq "r") { if (eof $fd) { $pingdef->canceled($e->w); $e->w->stop; } else { my $line = scalar <$fd>; chomp $line; $pingdef->add($line); } } else { $pingdef->addempty; } } sub show_ping_stat { my $res = ''; my %host2time; foreach my $pingdef (map { $_->[1] } sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } map { [$_->time(10), $_]; } values %pingdefs) { $host2time{$pingdef->host} = $pingdef->time(1, "as_string"); $res .= sprintf "%-30s %-6s %-1s %-10s %-10s\n", $pingdef->host, (defined $pingdef->type ? $pingdef->type : "ping"), $pingdef->active ? 'x' : ' ', $pingdef->time(1, "as_string"), $pingdef->time(10, "as_string"); } my $statusline = "*** " . scalar(localtime) . " update: $update s ***\n"; print "$clearchr$statusline$res"; if ($logfh) { print $logfh join("\t", epoch2isodate(time), map { $host2time{$pingdefs{$_}->host} } sort keys %pingdefs) . "\n"; } } sub get_nameserver { @nameserver = (); if (open(NS, "/etc/resolv.conf")) { while(<NS>) { s/#.*//g; if (/nameserver\s+(.*)\s*$/) { push @nameserver, $1; } } close NS; } else { warn "Can't open resolv.conf\n"; } if (!@nameserver) { warn "Can't get any nameserver\n"; } } sub try_later { #XXX geht nicht # foreach my $host (keys %PingDef::try_later) { # if (fork == 0) { # system("ping", "-c", "1", $host); # if (!$?) { # my $pingdef = $PingDef::try_later{$host}; # $pingdef->{Canceled} = 0; # $pingdef->{Watcher}->start; # delete $PingDef::try_later{$host}; # } # } # } } sub handle_key { my $e = shift; my $got = $e->got; if ($got eq 'r') { if (defined(my $key = ReadKey(-1))) { my $update_changed; if ($key =~ /^[qx]$/) { kill -9 => $$; exit(0); # for other OSes } elsif ($key eq '-' and $update > 1) { $update--; $update_changed++; } elsif ($key eq '+') { $update++; $update_changed++; } elsif ($key =~ /^\d$/ and $key > 0) { $update = $key; $update_changed++; } elsif ($key eq 'a') { add_host(); } if ($update_changed) { $update_w->interval($update); } } } } sub add_host { my @stopped; foreach (Event::all_running()) { $_->stop; push @stopped, $_; } ReadMode 0; my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; print $OUT "\n"; my $line = $term->readline("add host: "); # Can't use "\n" in prompt if (defined $line and $line !~ /^\s*$/) { my($host, $type) = split /[\t:]/, $line; new_ping([$host, $type]); } ReadMode 3; $_->start foreach @stopped; } sub new_ping { my $host = shift; my $type; if (ref $host eq 'ARRAY') { ($host, $type) = @$host; $type = undef if defined $type && $type =~ /^\s*$/; } my $host_type = $host . (defined $type ? ":$type" : ""); my $pipe = $pipe{$host_type} = new IO::Pipe; if (!defined $type || $type eq 'ping') { my @cmd; if ($^O eq 'solaris') { @cmd = ('ping', '-s', $host); } else { @cmd = ('ping', $host); } $pipe{$host_type}->reader(@cmd); } else { my $pid = fork; if (!$pid) { $pipe->writer(); $pipe->autoflush(1); require Net::Ping; my($port, $protocol) = $type =~ m{^(.*)/(.*)$}; if (!defined $port) { $port = $type; } if (!defined $protocol) { $protocol = "tcp"; } my $p = Net::Ping->new($protocol); if ($type =~ /^\d+/) { $p->{port_num} = $port; } else { $p->{port_num} = getservbyname($port, $protocol); } $p->hires(); my $seq = 0; while(1) { my($ret, $duration, $ip) = $p->ping($host, 10); if ($ret) { $duration = sprintf "%.3f ms", 1000 * $duration; print $pipe <<EOF; answer from $ip: icmp_seq=$seq ttl=??? time=$duration EOF } sleep(1); } die "Never reached"; } $pipe->reader; } my $pingdef = new PingDef Host => $host, Type => $type; $pingdefs{$host_type} = $pingdef; Event->io( fd => $pipe, poll => 'r', timeout => 5, repeat => 1, desc => $host_type, cb => \&get_ping_line, ); } sub pingomatic_host { my $line = shift; if (my($host, $type) = split /[\t:]/, $line) { [$host, $type]; } else { $line; } } sub read_pingomatic_hosts { my $fh = shift; my @hosts; while(<$fh>) { chomp; next if /^$/; next if /^\s*\#/; if (/^\@(.*)\@$/) { no strict 'refs'; push @hosts, &{"hostgroup_" . lc($1)}; } else { push @hosts, pingomatic_host($_); } } @hosts; } sub epoch2isodate { my $time = shift; my @l = gmtime $time; sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", $l[5]+1900, $l[4]+1, $l[3], $l[2], $l[1], $l[0]); } __END__ =head1 NAME pingomatic - multiple ping to a number of hosts =head1 DESCRIPTION This utility pings to a number of hosts in parallel. =head2 OPTIONS =over 4 =item -hosts hostgroup Use a predefined host group. Predefined host groups are: C<cpan>, C<freebsd>, C<linux>, and C<search>. =item -hostfile filename Use another file with host names instead of the default C<~/.pingomatic.hosts>. =item -host hostname =item -host hostname:port =item -host hostname:port/protocol Add the named hostname (optionally with a port in numerical or named form) to the list of hosts. This option may be specified multiple times. I<protocol> is also optional and may be something like C<tcp> or C<icmp>. =item -ns Add the locally configured name servers from C</etc/resolv.conf> to the list of hosts. This is the default, use C<-nons> to remove the name servers. =item -d | -debug Turn debugging on. Debug info is saved to C</tmp/pingomatic.debug>. =item -interval seconds | -update seconds Specify an interval in seconds between sending pings. Default is one second. =item -log file Write a tab separated logfile (append if it already exists) with the per-host and per-interval ping values. =back =head2 KEYS While the script is pinging, the user can use the following keys: =over 4 =item a Add interactively another host to the list. To check for a specific port, use I<host>:I<port>. =item + Add one second to the current update interval. The default update interval is one second. =item - Subtract one second from the current update interval. =item Ctrl-C Terminate the script. =back =head1 THE .PINGOMATIC.HOSTS FILE Each line in the F<~/.pingomatic.hosts> file can consist of a I<host>, a I<host>:I<port>, or a I<host>:I<port>/I<protocol> specification. Empty lines and lines beginning with a '#' are ignored. =head1 IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS If no port is specified or "ping" is used as a port name, then the system command C<ping> is used. This is preferable because otherwise pingomatic has to run as root. In all other cases L<Net::Ping> is used. =head1 EXAMPLES Here's an example (which probably only works on Linux) to ping all hosts with a current tcp connection from our host: cat /proc/net/tcp | sed -e '1 d' -e 's/^ *//' | cut -d" " -f3 | grep -v "^00000000" | cut -d":" -f1 | perl -nle '@x = /(..)/g; print join(".", reverse(map { hex($_) } @x));' > /tmp/hosts pingomatic /tmp/hosts =head1 README This utility pings to a number of hosts in parallel. =head1 FILES ~/.pingomatic.hosts - A list of host names to ping. The file should consist of hostnames or hostname:port specifications, one per line. =head1 PREREQUISITES Event, Term::ReadKey. =head1 OSNAMES only tested on Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES Networking =head1 AUTHOR Slaven Rezic <slaven@rezic.de> =head1 SEE ALSO ping(1). =cut