NAME xkcd - xkcd in your console USAGE xkcd [OPTIONS] DESCRIPTION Command-line interface to xkcd. View, download and enjoy xkcd comics straight from your shell. OPTIONS -c, --comic comic number -l, --latest show the latest xkcd comic -r, --random operate on a random xkcd comic -a, --alt show the 'mouse over' text -d, --download download the comic to DESTINATION --download-all download all comics to DESTINATION --no-zoom don't zoom the comic -h, --help show the help and exit -v, --version show version info and exit -m, --man show the documentation and exit PREREQUISITES To view the xkcd comic in X, feh or display (from the ImageMagick suite) needs to be installed. AUTHOR Magnus Woldrich CPAN ID: WOLDRICH REPORTING BUGS Report bugs on the issue tracker ( <> ) or by mail to <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Magnus Woldrich. All right reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.