NAME Geo::Coordinates::Converter - simple converter of geo coordinates SYNOPSIS use strict; use warnings; use Geo::Coordinates::Converter; my $geo = Geo::Coordinates::Converter->new( lat => '35.65580', lng => '139.65580', datum => 'wgs84' ); my $point = $geo->convert( dms => 'tokyo' ); print $point->lat; print $point->lng; print $point->datum; print $point->format; my $clone = $point->clone; my $geo2 = Geo::Coordinates::Converter->new( point => $clone ); my $point2 = $geo->convert( degree => 'wgs84' ); print $point2->lat; print $point2->lng; print $point2->datum; print $point2->format; can you use milliseconds format my $geo = Geo::Coordinates::Converter->new( lat => -128064218, lng => 502629380 ); $geo->format('degree'); is($geo->lat, -35.573394); is($geo->lng, 139.619272); DESCRIPTION the format and datum of geo coordinates are simply converted. when it is insufficient in the coordinate system and the format of the standard, it is possible to add it easily. CONSTRUCTOR new my $geo = Geo::Coordinates::Converter->new( lat => '35.65580', lng => '139.65580', datum => 'wgs84' ); my $geo = Geo::Coordinates::Converter->new( point => $point ); Options lat set to latitude lng set to longitude point set to Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Point object. when this is set, neither 'lat' and 'lng' and 'datum' and 'format' options are necessary having. datum set to datum format set to format. it is detected automatically. converter set to converter object. Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Datum can be used by default, and other conversion classes also use it. formats the object of the format is set by the ARRAY reference when using it excluding the formatter of default. internal_format the specification format is set internally. default is degree. when it dose not like on internal format when datum is customized, it use it. METHODS convert the geometric transformation is done. after it converts it, Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Point object it returned. # Examples: my $point = $geo->convert( grs80 => 'degree' ); my $point = $geo->convert( tokyo => 'dms' ); my $point = $geo->convert( dms => 'wgs84' ); my $point = $geo->convert('wgs84'); my $point = $geo->convert('degree'); AUTHOR Kazuhiro Osawa <yappo {at} shibuya {dot} pl> SEE ALSO Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Point, Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Format, Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Datum LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.