Since this server is going to be on both sides of your firewall, and set up to forward traffic into your network, it's a good idea to secure the box as well as you possibly can. You can read up more on Linux security in the Linux Security HOWTO. In this case I killed everything but sshd and a Roxen Web server. I use the web server to download a couple of files (my scripts, etc) for setting up new machines to access the VPN. I don't use an FTP server since it's harder to configure one to be secure than it is to just make a few files available with a web server. Plus, I only need to be able to download files. If you really want to run different servers on your gateway, you might want to think about restricting access to them to only those machines on your private network.
Here's how a typical /etc/passwd file looks:
... nobody:x:65534:100:nobody:/dev/null: mwilson:x:1000:100:Matthew Wilson,,,:/home/mwilson:/bin/bash joe:*:504:101:Joe Mode (home),,,:/home/vpn-users:/usr/sbin/pppd bill:*:504:101:Bill Smith (home),,,:/home/vpn-users:/usr/sbin/pppd frank:*:504:101:Frank Jones (home),,,:/home/vpn-users:/usr/sbin/pppd ... |
Note that I've done more than just editing the second field. I'll explain the other fields later on.