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This is an index of all LinuxFocus articles sorted by authorname.
Bookreview: Beginning PHP4 Databases
This is a book from Wrox-press on PHP4
QCad: Technical drawing with Linux
QCad is a 2D CAD system
Freefont, True Type and Patterns with The Gimp
This article shows how to use even more fonts and patterns with The Gimp.
Managing Your Mail with procmail
Keep you mail on folders, respond automatically, create mailing lists, learn how to do these and much more with procmail.
PGP Under Linux
The author gives an introduction to PGP.
Design of Recursive Structures. POVRAY III
The author explores the use of iterative structures within POVRAY and the beautiful images that they can generate.
Getting Linux to Run a Computer with an Alpha CPU
The author share with us his experiences putting together an Alpha PC
An introduction to SPF
SPF stands for Sender Policy Framework an antiforgery standard to prevent the forging of e-mail addresses.
Book Review: Beginning Databases with MySQL
A brief review about this great book about MySQL.
Book review: The qmail Handbook
This article is a brief review of "The Qmail Handbook" from Dave Sill.
Posicionamiento Básico da C�mara
Although the positioning is not as intuitive as Pov-Ray, it has an advantage when describing camera trajectories.
Linux among artists at BUF COMPAGNIE
BUF Company is a major synthetic image maker in the film business.
Setting up a Squid-Proxy Server
A proxy server can help to speed up an internet connection.
Aprendendo com o nmap
nmap is a security scanner
Network Management and Monitoring with Linux
Some handy tools for managing today's ubiquitous networks
Linux System Administration - A User's Guide (Book Review)
This is a review of the book titled "Linux System Administration - A User's Guide" by Marcel Gagne. The book has 532 pages and 26 chapters that cover installation, daemons, run-levels,file systems, password policy, kernel building, printing, devices, backups, network administration, secure computing, and more.
Analyzing your internet applications' log files II - configuring your reports
The first article in this series introduced Lire. This article will show you how you can configure your reports for your need.
Analisando os ficheiros de log das suas aplicaç�es da internet
This article is the first in a series about using Lire to analyze log files of internet server applications. This is not limited to one service, e.g. Apache, but is an integrated analyzer for many different services. Included are DNS, WWW, email and ipfilter services.
Usando o XML e o XSLT para construir o LinuxFocus.org(/Nederlands)
This article shows you how parts of the Dutch website of LinuxFocus is generated with XSLT tools from the XML database. It compares this with the (very) much slower DOM tools in Perl.
Editing DocBook XML Documents
This article describes the use of Kate and its XML plugin as a tool for editing DocBook XML documents
Kernel Secrets
A short description of the Linux Kernel.
Introdução ao BORG
BORG is graphical user interface to BMRT, but it is not just a GUI it divides the rendering work across different computers where BMRT is used to render frames.
Samba Configuration
This article describes the configuration of Linux-samba, a server needed to control domains of networks based on MS-windows machines. Examples given here are based on Debian GNU/Linux and Samba 2.0.7
Getting to know XML
This is a short introduction to XML. You will meet Eddy the meta cat, the XML syntax police, and some DTDs. Don't worry, we'll explain ;-)
Security holes - Part VI
Security of CGI scripts
Evitando falhas de segurança ao desenvolver uma aplicação - Parte 5: race conditions
This fifth article is about race conditions :what they are, how to avoid them ...
Evitando Falhas de Segurança a desenvolver uma aplicação - Parte 4: formatação de strings
This fourth article deals with format strings security holes
Evitando Falhas de Segurança ao desenvolver uma aplicação - Parte 3: "buffer overflow"
This article explains how to exploit badly programmed software by using buffer overflows.
Yellow Pages (Part III)
In this last article about NIS, we explain how to install a NIS server. We will see which programs are used, configuration files and the building of the database.
Yellow Pages 2 : Do lado do cliente
My previous article was an introduction to the yellow pages and RPCs. This one explains how to configure a NIS client, how this client works and a small introduction to the different tools coming with NIS. Finally, we'll have a few words about NIS+
Yellow Pages
The Network Information Service (NIS) manages a data base on server. Each computer on a network running a NIS client NIS can then poll the server for informations (login name,password, users and groups informations, ...).
Enlightenment is a highly customizable window manager for Linux. This article discusses the features, installation, and customization of the Enlightenment window manager.
How to secure an heterogeneous network with free tools
Security in computers networks is probably one of the biggest technology challenges of the 21st century. This article provides a general overview over the most important aspects.
GNUMail.app, the portability evidence
A NeXTmail clone able to run under GNUstep and MacOS X with the same source code
IOS, another REBOLution
Back to the future: IOS the internet operating system
MySQL and Perl, the marriage of convenience
Using MySQL in conjunction with Perl is an old story, but still a good one.
Nessus : another brick in the (security) wall
Nessus is more than a single security scanner
Psionic Portsentry 1.1, o defensor das portos
Port scan detection and active defense
Cantando na web
Review of the new improved version of one of the lightest browsers
Através do Túnel
Using free SSH with external applications on different OSes
LF Tip: USB mice and laptops
How to get a USB mouse to work without restarting the X-server process.
LF Tip: Changing the keyboard layout on the fly
Linuxfocus tip for October 2004
Managing HTML with Perl, HTML::TagReader
HTML::TagReader is a light weight Perl module to process a file Tag by Tag.
Using the Minolta Dimage 5 camera under Linux
This is a short description on how to setup the usb drivers for the Minolta Dimage 5/7 cameras under Linux
Hardware watchdog and shutdown button
This is a simple circuit to connect to the serial line of your computer.
A LCD control panel for your Linux server
In this article we use an Atmel AT90S4433 microcontroller and a few other inexpensive parts to build a LCD control panel for a Linux server.
Programming the ARV Microcontroller with GCC
The article explains how to setup a GCC development environment for the AVR 8-bit risc Microcontroller series from Atmel.
Running applications remotely with X11
X Window System is much more than just an environment to manage the windows of graphical applications.
Atek Super Mini Optical Mouse
This is a miniature mouse that makes your notebook perform like a desktop
E-mail sobre UUCP: A solução profissional para utilizadores dialup
UUCP is an old protocol but it is very good to handle E-mail over dialup connections.
Revisão do Livro: Professional Perl Programming
This is a review of the book Professional Perl Programming from Wrox Press.
Encontrando arquivos
How to search for files by name or content.
Express�es Regulares
Regular expressions are advanced search patters. This Article gives an introduction.
Game Review - Barrel Patrol 3D
Barrel Patrol 3D is a cute little 3d game, based on Ripoff, a classical arcade game from the early 80's.
Revisão do Jogo - GLTron
3D variant of those games, featuring the light-cycle race from the movie "Tron"
Developing Gnome Application with Python (Part 3)
RAD stands for Rapid Application Development.
Developing Gnome Application with Python (Part 2)
This article series is primarily written for beginners in the area Gnome and GNU/Linux. The author presents an educational tool to write Gnome GUIs using Python.
Como utilizar o adaptador ATEN UC-232A USB com o Linux
The ATEN UC-232A is a RS232 serial line to USB adapter.
Entrevista com Juan José Amor
Juan Jose Amor Iglesias Current coordinator of the LuCAS project, part of the LDP and devoted to the translation and localization of MDL manuals in Spanish
KU Real Time Linux
In this second issue devoted to RT-Linux I will try to offer a more practical view of RT-Linux.
StarOffice Editor
This article looks at the word processor in StarOffice
TCPD e Firewalls usando IPFWADM
This article describes very briefly how to configure the inetd services in order to improve security on your system. We concentrate in the of the tool IPFWADM to administer and configure inetd services
MySQL Servidor de Banco de Dados
MySQL is an SQL (Structured Query Language) database server supported by a number of platforms, including Linux. Its Linux version is design with fast performance in mind.
Java. Parte I
This is the first article in a series about Java programming. The first part will describe Java as a language, its general characteristics and the location of the most relevant sources of information.
Debugging Code with ddd
ddd is a wonderful graphical debugger.
I got Linux Installed, What next?
This article introduces new users to some of the issues that he/she will confront upon installation of Linux.
Creating panoramic views using Hugin, Enblend and The Gimp
In this article we show you how to create a panoramic picture using Hugin, Enblend and The Gimp.
Photo magic with Gimp
In this article we give you some basic ideas how to improve on your digital photos with The Gimp.
Light, Camera, Action... Kino!
Connect your digital video camera via firewire to Linux and start cutting.
Discover the universe
This article introduces 2 program for Linux to explore the universe.
Playing around with Dingbats and The Gimp
This article shows how you can create nice logos and images from Dingbat fonts with just a few clicks.
A whole new world: A guided tour with Tux through the land of the penguin
Explore the land of the penguin with Tux as a guide on your side.
Faça magia com imagens na Shell
This article explains how to automate image processing with the shell and ImageMagick
Writing CDs with Linux
In this article we describe how you can write CDs under Linux.
Shell Programming
In this article we explain how to write little scripts.
Construindo um Robot Andante controlado pelo Linux
In this article you learn how to build a small walking insect and control it with Linux over the parallel port.
Uma introdução ao boot de rede e ao Etherboot
An advanced article that explains how to bootstrap your computer from a program stored in non-volatile memory without accessing your hard disk.
The new KDE3 is out. This article will give you an idea what it would be like to try it for yourself.
GCC - the root of all
This is an introduction to using gcc as a compiler.
Making Shared Libraries
How to compile and generate shared libraries.
SQL Tutorial
Part II of the tutorial reviews several basic statements of the SQL language.
Linux in Hospitals
Linux means business, an example of using Linux in the health care environment.
Some Tips
Well...here are some notes, tricks, some of these are specific to non-english speaking users and therefore not frequently answered in the common documentation.
Connecting to the Internet
Here we have something lots of users face up to in their early stages of setting Linux up: Connecting to the Internet.
darkstat - a network traffic analyser
In this article we present the network traffic analyzer "darkstat". We cover installation, start and usage of this program.
Receiving faxes with efax
Setting up Efax to send and receive faxes on RedHat 7.2.
Plugins and Mozilla RC3
How I setup Mozilla RC3 for Real Player, Acrobat, Flash, and a generic plug-in Plugger.
Chrooting all services in Linux
Chrooted system services improve security by limiting damage that someone who broke into the system can possibly do
O uso de Wacky para Raid, /dev/ram, e ramfs
ramfs is a new file system in the 2.4 Kernel. It is very simple but could have some interesting applications.
MOSIXVIEW, a management-GUI for MOSIX-cluster
This article describes a management GUI for the MOSIX-Cluster technologie (www.mosix.org)
Acrescentando Seguran�a a uma Distribui��o Linux
How to modify a Linux distribution out of the box to get better security.
OpenGL Programming:Simple Polygon Rendering
The author describes the first steps into any OpenGL application and tells us how to render simple polygons in 2D.
GLUT programming:Windows and Animations
GLUT is the GL Utility Toolkit, developed by Mark Kilgard. In this article the author introduces GLUT, and gives us a primer on Windows and Animations handling with GLUT.
What is OpenGL?
This article is the first in a series about OpenGL, perhaps the most successful API for high-end 3D graphics
Mail From Our Readers
E-mail feedback after the first issue of Linuxfocus went out
ECC2-79 cracked: Alpha Linux did it
A short note about a group of Alpha Linux enthusiasts who cracked ECC2-79
Setting Up a ZIP drive on an Alpha platform
Tips for users of a DEC-Alpha
Enabling Profile on the Alpha
Tips for users of a DEC-Alpha
Installation of Manpages-es
How to get man-pages of the most important Linux system commands in Spanish.
What is Linux?
A brief history of Linux
In this article, you will learn how to use the C APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that come with MySQL.
Linux em chinês
This brief article describes how to enable Chinese locale on a "standard" Linux box.
Criando e Editando Anima��es com GIMP
Simple techniques to create and edit animations using the Gimp
3Dfx graphics card
3Dfx Interactive's 3D chipset is changing the world of high-end graphics.
Straight from the Horse's Mouth
Bill Gates on customer support
Compile your own Linux kernel
This a really comprehensive article that teaches you how to download , configure, compile and install your own kernel.
Gravação mp3 em Tempo Real, parte 2
In the first part we showed how you can record in mp3 in realtime, for example a radio show, and make a big file out of it, e.g. 650MB for 24 hours of music in near-CD quality (128 kbit/s; stereo). Now, what to do with such a big file? Can we make even bigger files, or could we maybe get a better compression rate? How about the quality of these mp3 recordings?
Introduction to cryptography
This article expains what cryptography is and how it works.
Get To know a free pascal compiler: Free Pascal
Free Pascal is on the rise with a combination of text mode programming and OOP as powerful as RAD Delphi.
Introduction to Ncurses
Ncurses is a library that provides function-key mapping, screen painting functions and the ability to use multiple non-overlapping windows on text-based terminals.
Replacing a Windows NT/2000 server using Linux and SAMBA
This article is is focused on a Linux system with SAMBA in order to run some services, typically provided by Windows operating systems.
Compilando, Configurando e Instalando um Kernel Linux personalizado e totalmente funcional
This article provides you with an extremely detailed and step-by-step process describing how to Compile, Configure and then Install a Customized Red Hat Linux Kernel.
Faça o seu trabalho com o make!
This article explains how "make" works. It shows that "make" is more than just a command to compile software.
XMRM : Morphing sobre o Linux
XMRM (Multi Resolution Morphing for X) is a morphing program that allows one to create an mpeg video based on the the transformation from one image into another one.
Gimp : Using layers and their masks
Mask layers from Gimp are a really universal tool for all kind of tricks.
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