original in en Katja and Guido Socher
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==== pprobi.c ===== /* vim: set sw=8 ts=8 si : */ /* * ��� ��������� �������� ��������� ����������� ������������. * �� ������ �������������� * ��� �������� �� � ������������ � ������������� ��������� GNU. * ����������� �� http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/. * * ������ Katja Socher <katja@linuxfocus.org> * � Guido Socher <guido@linuxfocus.org> * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <signal.h> #include "robi.h" /* ----------- */ static int opt_r=0; static int fd=0; /* ----------- */ /* ----------- */ void help() { printf("pprobi -- control software for a walking robot\n\ USAGE: pprobi [-h] [parport-device]\n\ \n\ OPTIONS:\n\ -h this help\n\ -r reset the parallel port data pins (all zero) and exit\n\ \n\ The default device is /dev/parport0 \n\ "); #ifdef VERINFO puts(VERINFO); #endif exit(0); } /* Signal handler: all off then exit */ void offandexit(int code) { robi_setdata(fd,0); set_terminal(0); exit(0); } /* ----------- */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int state,bpat,alternate; char *dev; /* The following things are used for getopt: */ int ch; extern char *optarg; extern int optind; extern int opterr; opterr = 0; while ((ch = (char)getopt(argc, argv, "hr")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'h': help(); /*no break, help does not return */ case 'r': opt_r=1; break; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "serialtemp ERROR: No such option. -h for help.\n"); exit(1); /*no default action for case */ } } if (argc-optind < 1){ /* less than one argument */ dev="/dev/parport0"; }else{ /* the user has provided one argument */ dev=argv[optind]; } fd=robi_claim(dev); /* robi_claim has its own error checking */ /* catch signals INT and TERM and switch off all data lines before * terminating */ signal(SIGINT, offandexit); signal(SIGTERM, offandexit); /* initialize parpprt data lines to zero: */ robi_setdata(fd,0); set_terminal(1); /* set_terminal has its own error handling */ state=0; alternate=0; if (opt_r){ offandexit(1); } while(1){ ch=getchoice(); if (ch!=0) state=ch; if (ch == ' '){ printf("Stop\n"); robi_setdata(fd,0); usleep(500*1000); } if (ch == 'q'|| ch == 'x'){ printf("Quit\n"); break; } if (state=='l'){ /*right */ printf("walking right\n"); walkright(fd); } if (state=='h'){ /*left */ printf("walking left\n"); walkleft(fd); } if (state=='j'){ printf("walking back\n"); walkback(fd); } if (state=='k'){ if (alternate){ printf("walking straight on a\n"); walkstraight_a(fd); }else{ printf("walking straight on b\n"); walkstraight_b(fd); } alternate=(alternate +1) %2; } } /* we get here if q was typed */ set_terminal(0); return (0); } ==== robi.c ===== /* vim: set sw=8 ts=8 si : */ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. * See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/ for details. * * Written by Katja Socher <katja@linuxfocus.org> * and Guido Socher <guido@linuxfocus.org> * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <linux/ppdev.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <termios.h> #include "robi.h" /* like printf but exit the program */ static int die(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); exit(1); } /* get one character from stdin * Returns non zero if char was read otherwise zero * The arrow keys are mapped as follows: * <- = h * -> = l * v = j * ^ = k */ int getchoice() { int c; char s[20]; if (fgets(s,20,stdin)){ c=s[0]; switch (c){ case 0x1b: /* ESC */ if (s[1] == 0x5b){ /* arrow keys are pressed */ switch (s[2]){ case 0x41: /*up arrow*/ c='k'; break; case 0x42: /*down arrow*/ c='j'; break; case 0x44: /*l arrow*/ c='h'; break; case 0x43: /*r arrow*/ c='l'; break; default: c=0; } }else{ c=0; } break; case ' ': case 'h': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'q': case 'x': break; default: c=0; } return(c); } return(0); } /* Set the Terminal to Non Canonical mode with echo off * or reset the terminal. * USAGE: set_terminal(1) for canonical */ int set_terminal(int canonical) { static struct termios originalsettings; struct termios newsettings; static int origok=0; /* set if originalsettings valid */ if (canonical){ /* save original settings and set canonical mode*/ tcgetattr(fileno(stdin),&originalsettings); newsettings=originalsettings; newsettings.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; newsettings.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; newsettings.c_cc[VMIN]=0; /* do not block */ newsettings.c_cc[VTIME]=1; /* 100 ms */ if (tcsetattr(fileno(stdin),TCSANOW,&newsettings) !=0){ die("ERROR: could not set terminal attributes on stdin\n"); } origok=1; }else{ if (origok){ /* restore settings */ tcsetattr(fileno(stdin),TCSANOW,&originalsettings); } } return(0); } /* open /dev/parportX device and claim it. * USAGE: fd=robi_claim("/dev/parport0"); * The return value is a file descriptor used by other * functions such as robi_setdata */ int robi_claim(char *dev) { int fd,i; fd = open(dev, O_RDWR ); if (fd < 0) { die("ERROR: cannot open device %s\n",dev); } i=0; /* we need exclusive rights as we do not set the control lines*/ /*ioctl(fd, PPEXCL, &i)&& die("ERROR: request for exclusive rights failed\n");*/ ioctl(fd, PPCLAIM, &i)&&die("ERROR: could not claim parport\n"); return(fd); } /* Walk left */ int walkleft(int fd) { /* first B legs to ground */ robi_setdata(fd,LEGBD); usleep(400 *1000); /* all A legs 1 step */ robi_setdata(fd, LEGB1 | LEGB3 ); usleep(1100 *1000); /* first A legs to ground, cool B*/ robi_setdata(fd,LEGAD); usleep(400 *1000); robi_setdata(fd,0); usleep(1000 *1000); return(0); } /* Walk right */ int walkright(int fd) { /* first A legs to ground */ robi_setdata(fd,LEGAD); usleep(500 *1000); robi_setdata(fd, LEGA3 | LEGAD); usleep(300 *1000); /* all A legs 1 step */ robi_setdata(fd, LEGA1 | LEGA3 ); usleep(1100 *1000); /* first B legs to ground, cool A*/ robi_setdata(fd,LEGBD); usleep(400 *1000); robi_setdata(fd,0); usleep(1000 *1000); return(0); } /* Walk with all 3 legs 1 step forward */ int walkstraight_a(int fd) { /* first A legs to ground */ robi_setdata(fd,LEGAD); usleep(800 *1000); /* all A legs 1 step */ robi_setdata(fd, LEGA1 | LEGA2 | LEGA3 ); usleep(1000 *1000); /* first B legs to ground, cool A*/ robi_setdata(fd,LEGBD); usleep(500 *1000); robi_setdata(fd,0); usleep(1200 *1000); return(0); } /* Walk with all 3 legs 1 step forward */ int walkstraight_b(int fd) { /* first B legs to ground */ robi_setdata(fd,LEGBD); usleep(400 *1000); /* all B legs 1 step */ robi_setdata(fd,LEGB1 | LEGB2 | LEGB3); usleep(1000 *1000); /* A down and cool */ robi_setdata(fd,LEGAD); usleep(800 *1000); robi_setdata(fd,0); usleep(1200 *1000); return(0); } /* Walk with all 6 legs 1 step back */ int walkback(int fd) { /* first A legs to ground */ robi_setdata(fd,LEGAD); usleep(800 *1000); /* all B legs 1 step in the air*/ robi_setdata(fd, LEGB1 | LEGB2 | LEGB3 ); usleep(500 *1000); /* first B legs to ground, cool A*/ robi_setdata(fd,LEGBD); usleep(500 *1000); /* all A legs 1 step in the air*/ robi_setdata(fd,LEGA1 | LEGA2 | LEGA3); usleep(500 *1000); /* A down and cool */ robi_setdata(fd,LEGAD); usleep(800 *1000); robi_setdata(fd,0); usleep(1000 *1000); return(0); } /*---------*/ /* Write a bit pattern to the data lines * USAGE: rc=robi_setdata(fd,bitpat); * The return value is 0 on success. */ int robi_setdata(int fd,unsigned char bitpat) { int rc; rc=ioctl(fd, PPWDATA, &bitpat); return(rc); } ==== robi.h ===== /* vim: set sw=8 ts=8 si et: */ #ifndef H_ROBI #define H_ROBI 1 #define VERINFO "version 0.2" /* the first thing you need to do: */ extern int robi_claim(char *dev); /* write a bit pattern to the data lines of the parallel port: */ extern int robi_setdata(int fd,unsigned char bitpat); /* input and terminal functions */ extern int set_terminal(int canonical); extern int getchoice(); extern int walkstraight_a(int fd); extern int walkstraight_b(int fd); extern int walkback(int fd); extern int walkleft(int fd); extern int walkright(int fd); /* data pins to legs: * A1------=------B1 * = * = * B2------=------A2 * = * = * A3------=------B3 * * * Pin to set A-legs to ground= AD * Pin to set B-legs to ground= BD * * parallel port leg name * ------------------------- * data 0 A1 * data 1 A2 * data 2 A3 * data 3 AD * data 4 B1 * data 5 B2 * data 6 B3 * data 7 BD */ #define LEGA1 1 #define LEGA2 2 #define LEGA3 4 #define LEGAD 8 #define LEGB1 16 #define LEGB2 32 #define LEGB3 64 #define LEGBD 128 #endif
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