PuTTY wish sftp-tilde

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summary: Accept home directories as "~" and "~username" in PSCP and PSFTP
class: wish: This is a request for an enhancement.
difficulty: tricky: Needs many tuits.
priority: medium: This should be fixed one day.

The SFTP draft protocol specs define an extension request called "home-directory", in which the client sends a username, and the server sends back the path name of that user's home directory. Or the client can send the empty string, and the server sends the path name of the logged-in user's home directory.

This makes it possible for PSFTP and PSCP to support the Unix-style ~ syntax for specifying a user's home directory. All of the following syntaxes could do something useful, and currently don't:

C:\Dir>pscp hostname:~username/file.txt .
C:\Dir>pscp file.txt hostname:~username/subdir
C:\Dir>pscp -ls hostname:~username
C:\Dir>psftp hostname
psftp> cd ~/src/thingy

The obvious strategy for this is for PSCP and PSFTP to notice a ~ at the start of the command line, and if they find one, send a "home-directory" query to the server, with an empty string for just ~ by itself or a username for ~username, and substitute the directory that comes back (if any). For extra points, we could remember whether the server advertised support for this extension in its SSH_FXP_VERSION message, and not bother even trying if it didn't.

But I've labelled this as difficulty "tricky" because it's not that simple. Unfortunately, OpenSSH's SFTP server had a bug in versions up to 9.7 in which the reply to the "home-directory" query was always your home directory, even if you requested somebody else's!

There is a workaround: OpenSSH also supports a different extension request called "expand-path@openssh.com" which expands a whole pathname in the style of SSH_FXP_REALPATH, but also handling a leading ~ or ~username. So we could add a bug compatibility flag, detect versions of OpenSSH which we expect to lie about "home-directory", and for those versions, send "expand-path@openssh.com" with argument "~username" in place of "home-directory" with argument "username".

Strictly speaking, this is a layer violation and not properly reliable, because there's no guarantee that the SFTP server matches the SSH server, and we only receive a version-string banner from the latter. If someone configured their OpenSSH server so that the "sftp" subsystem request invoked someone else's SFTP server, or conversely configured another server to run OpenSSH's sftp-server from a buggy version of OpenSSH, then this strategy wouldn't detect it. But I don't think there's anything we can do about that except document the bug flag and make sure users can turn it on manually, by also having command-line control over it.

(Another strategy would be to use "expand-path@openssh.com" to expand the whole pathname in place of the SSH_FXP_REALPATH we were doing anyway, but I don't like that answer, because I want to substitute ~ in some situations where there wasn't an SSH_FXP_REALPATH we were doing anyway, and also, "home-directory" has some chance of becoming standard so that other SFTP servers support it too. I'd rather base my strategy on "home-directory", and use "expand-path@openssh.com" only as a workaround for that bug.)

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(last revision of this bug record was at 2024-12-20 11:10:34 +0000)